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The Highlight feature's Tip Message doesn't evaluate. Things like $nick or $target or the $1- $highlight() text that was spoken, would be handy to know why you're being highlighted in the tip message. My current tip message is pretty boring and repetitive.

Other dialogs throughout mIRC tend to evaluate identifiers.
Wow, I thought I was the only one that cared! Causing me to rewrite the notifications entirely.

Is it feasible to have access to additional local identifiers? If the highlight message in address book is:

$time $network $chan $nick $1-

...the $nick and $1- are not being evaluated, nor would $parms or $rawmsg.

To allow $myalias to identify which highlight triggered for that line, would be nice if either $target could be filled with the highlight's .text property, or $highlight(-1) could relate to the active highlight the way $send(-1) and $get(-1) refers to the send/get which triggered the FILESENT/FILERCVD event. Currently $highlight(N) for all negative numbers returns the same value as $highlight(0), which they don't need to do.

While testing this, I found that /aline works within $myalias but /echo did nothing, whether displaying -s or to @custom, as if it's in a .alias using the -q switch.

The highlight message is chopped at a comma due to being stored as a comma-delimited string in mirc.ini, but that can be worked around like [ $chr(44) ].
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