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the point is, i want to be able to use mirc own features [built in natively], not DLL's or whatever, because 1 how it is done, i haven't figured out yet, 2 mirc just needs this feature. end of story! -- An Actual Post

Reading the posts on this forum, I'm seeing many outlandish requests for features that can very easily be done via script or an external process (such as a DLL), and most likely already has been done. Sadly, the overwhelming response when cited on this, seems to be some k12 reasoning that "it needs to be, just because!" Which has inspired me to write this FAQ.


Prime Directive: "mIRC is a Text Communications Client for Internet Relay Chat Servers."

Please read the following list and ask yourself these questions before posting your Feature Suggestion to the forums, or arguing how they really will benefit the entire community when the entire community begs to differ.

1. How does your suggestion relate to Text Communications? mIRC is a Text Chat Client first, and a Scripting Language second. If more than 50% of the features don't directly related to Text Communications, then it's no longer a Chat Client.

2. How does your suggestion benefit the greater community of mIRC users? Remember, this feature will be on everyone's copy of mIRC, not just yours. Chances are the greater community of mIRC users will have little use for your idea.

3. Can it be done by alternate means... via Script or DLL that may already exist? Yes, it may seem a little harder and require more effort on your part to learn these things, but our goal is to keep mIRC as sleek and de-bloated as possible.

4. Are the things you're asking even technically possible? Some suggestions people make sound like they're straight from Star-Trek and were conceived with very little sense of reality in mind. Consider that mIRC is intended to operate on the slowest of slow machines, by today's standards. If your suggestion doesn't keep in mind that people are still running Pentium 166 MHz processors, then it wont even be considered.

5. Does it already exist as a feature in mIRC? (OR) Has someone already suggested this feature before? (Search!) Many people suggest Scripting Language Support for various commands that already exist in a different form, but would better emulate a programming language they're more comfortable with. /while already exists, /for example. Its syntax is much plainer and suits mIRC better than the aforementioned alternative that is repeatedly suggested on these boards by disgruntled C++/Perl users/wannabes. Research Before You Post.

I think that about sums it up for posting procedure, and should weed out a good 90% of the posts here. If you're in doubt that your idea might make a good feature in mIRC, it probably wont. Lets nip this signal to noise ratio in the bud.

K? Thx. Bye!

- Raccoon
$rot13() would make the coolest identifier!
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