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Posted By: brrrrrrr isop - 13/05/03 09:16 PM
When using isop, you can only see if the user is opped after the trigger (like 1:rawmode:). I would also like to know if the person was an @ before the trigger.

something like: if $nick wasop #
Posted By: Raccoon Re: isop - 14/05/03 03:45 PM
Most events will respond to ison,isop,isvoice,isreg... etc as if the event hasn't occured yet. It does exactly as you want it to. If you want to check the outcome of the event, use /updatenl (Update Nick List) in the script and all operators and identifiers will reflect post-event statuses.
On *:OP:#: {
  echo -a $opnick was $iif($opnick isop $chan,Opped,NOT Opped) before this event.
  echo -a $opnick is now $iif($opnick isop $chan,Opped,NOT Opped) after this event.

- Raccoon
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