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Posted By: explodedk highlight problems - 21/08/10 06:30 AM
is there anyway to get highlight in channels, without the channelname highlights.

e.g i wan't highlight on my nickname, and when that is highlighted i want the channel to flash in another color than the normal. so far so good, easy to do this,

next i want to highlight on a word, lets say the word "hello" - however i don't want the channel to flash in another color, but still the text in the channel to be highlighted...

please advice !
Posted By: jaytea Re: highlight problems - 21/08/10 07:13 AM
unfortunately, there only exists a single universal highlight colour for the switchbar/treebar items (modifiable in Display options). it's possible to script this behaviour though, here's a small example:

on ^*:text:*:*:{
  var %w = @ $+ $window($iif(#, #, $nick)).wid
  if ($window(%w).sbcolor != highlight) && ($1- !isnum) && ($highlight($1-) == hello) .timer 1 0 window -g1 %w

this requires the highlight entry for 'hello' to have the lowest precedence (to be at the end of the list in Highlight options) otherwise messages containing both 'hello' and your nick will satisfy the given if statement, since $highlight() will locate the entry for 'hello' first.

and you can use on ACTION if you want this script to affect actions too. let me know if you want an example
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