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Posted By: Abuser__ Raw and dialogs - 21/04/06 01:51 PM
I made a ReOp dialog - for listing reops on IRCnet and import them to the dialog. So here is the script:
alias reops { 
  if ($1 == $null) {
    set %reops.chan $chan
  else {
    set %reops.chan $1
  dialog -m reops reops
alias getreops { did -r reops 1 | mode %reops.chan +R }

dialog reops {
  title "Channel ReOps Manager"
  size -1 -1 355 130
  list 1, 5 17 247 120
  text "ReOps set:", 2, 6 2 113 13
  button "Add ReOp", 3, 257 18 91 25
  button "Remove ReOp", 4, 257 51 91 25
  button "Done", 5, 257 81 91 41, ok
on 1:dialog:reops:init:0:{
on 1:dialog:reops:sclick:*:{
  if ($did == 3) { var %reops.temp $$?="Enter a hostname to add ReOp for:" | did -i reops 1 1 %reops.temp | mode %reops.chan +R %reops.temp }
  if ($did == 4) { var %reops.temp $did(1).seltext | mode %reops.chan -R %reops.temp | getreops }
raw 344:*:{ did -a reops 1 $3- | halt }
raw 345:*:{ halt }

Script works fine, but there is a small problem i don't know how to fix. Whenever the dialog opens it gets reops but the results are also shown in status window like:


Raw: 344 #test21 *!*@somehost3
Raw: 344 #test21 *!*@somehost2
Raw: 344 #test21 *!*@somehost
Raw: 345 #test21 End of Channel Reop List

I don't want this to be seen in status window when doing /reops. I tried to halt these raw events with /halt and /haltdef, but no success. I know you can fix it up;)

Posted By: raZOR Re: Raw and dialogs - 21/04/06 04:12 PM
think 6.16 had some issues with /haltdef
using .17 ?
Posted By: Abuser__ Re: Raw and dialogs - 21/04/06 04:29 PM
I was to lazy to download 6.17 but now i did it, changed to haltdef but still doesn't work. laugh
Posted By: raZOR Re: Raw and dialogs - 22/04/06 12:26 PM
and you dont have multiple raw events of same ?
coz it SHOULD work on 6.17 with haltdef or halt

chek your script
Posted By: Doqnach Re: Raw and dialogs - 24/04/06 08:57 AM
you clearly have another script that also catches raws...

you could add a haltdef to this script and add the $halted identifier to the other script
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