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Posted By: Sleepyfreak hot potato - 28/05/05 04:10 AM
does anyone have a script for hot potato
that i can have thanks for all your help guys
Posted By: RusselB Re: hot potato - 28/05/05 07:29 AM
I don't have one, and since I'm not sure just how a "hot potato" script would work (ie: what it would do), I can't refer you to anyone or work on one for you. If you'll describe what it's supposed to do, someone can probably write one, unless there's one already in existance
Posted By: Winbots Re: hot potato - 29/05/05 07:20 AM
;Made by Cobi, Do Not Remove This Line!
on *:TEXT:!hotpotato:#:{ msg $chan Hot Potato! | msg $chan To pass it, /me passes the hot potato to <nick> | set %hotpotato. $+ $chan $nick($chan,$rand(1,$nick($chan,0))) | describe $chan starts the music | timerhotpotato $+ $chan 1 $rand(5,500) stoppotato $chan | describe $chan passes the hot potato to %hotpotato. [ $+ [ $chan ] ] }
; uncomment the following line if you want ppl to be able to do !hotpotato nick instead of just !hotpotato
; on *:TEXT:!hotpotato *:#:{ msg $chan Hot Potato! | msg $chan To pass it, /me passes the hot potato to <nick> | set %hotpotato. $+ $chan $2 | describe $chan starts the music | timerhotpotato $+ $chan 1 $rand(5,500) stoppotato $chan | describe $chan passes the hot potato to %hotpotato. [ $+ [ $chan ] ] }
on *:ACTION:passes the hot potato to *:#:{ if ($nick == %hotpotato. [ $+ [ $chan ] ]) { if ($nick($chan,$6)) { if ($6 == $Me) { set %hotpotato. $+ $chan $nick($chan,$rand(1,$nick($chan,0))) | describe $chan passes the hot potato to %hotpotato. [ $+ [ $chan ] ] }
else { set %hotpotato. $+ $chan $nick($chan,$rand(1,$nick($chan,0))) } } } }
on *:NICK:{ var %lcv = 1
  while (%lcv <= $chan(0)) { if (%hotpotato. [ $+ [ $chan(%lcv) ] ] == $nick) { set %hotpotato. $+ $chan(%lcv) $newnick }
inc %lcv } }
on *:QUIT:{ var %lcv = 1
  while (%lcv <= $chan(0)) { if (%hotpotato. [ $+ [ $chan(%lcv) ] ] == $nick) { set %hotpotato. $+ $chan(%lcv) $nick($chan(%lcv),$rand(1,$nick($chan(%lcv),0))) | msg $chan $nick passes the hot potato to %hotpotato. [ $+ [ $chan(%lcv) ] ] }
inc %lcv } }
on *:PART:#:{ if (%hotpotato. [ $+ [ $chan ] ] == $nick) { set %hotpotato. $+ $chan $nick($chan,$rand(1,$nick($chan,0))) | msg $chan $nick passes the hot potato to %hotpotato. [ $+ [ $chan ] ] } }
on *:KICK:#:{ if (%hotpotato. [ $+ [ $chan ] ] == $nick) { set %hotpotato. $+ $chan $nick($chan,$rand(1,$nick($chan,0))) | msg $chan $nick passes the hot potato to %hotpotato. [ $+ [ $chan ] ] } }
alias stoppotato { describe $1 Stops the music... | kick $1 %hotpotato. [ $+ [ $1 ] ] Hot Potato Stopped on you | unset %hotpotato. $+ $1 }
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