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I am attempting to have the following in a hash table:

table name = blah@gmail.com

mirc seems to be having a hard time getting data out of a table name that has an @ in it.

is there a way to fix that aside from not having a table name with an @ in it?
No problems here,

//hmake -s blah[/i]@gmail.com | hadd -s blah[/i]@gmail.com moo test | echo 4 -a * Data: $hget(blah[/i]@gmail.com, moo) | hfree -s blah[/i]@gmail.com
woops looks like i phrased it wrong

im talking about one such as:

hmake friends 100
hadd friends blah@gmail.com test test2

then try to echo out some of the data in blah@gmail.com

echo -s $gettok($hget(friends,blah@gmail.com),1,32)

itll give you an error
I tried your example, it works fine.

Try: //echo -a $gettok($hget(friends,blah@gmail.com),1,32)
i am having another really weird issue with echo...

alias go {
  set %count 1
  set %a $read(c:\mirc\mfriends\friendsdat.dat, %count)
  echo -s %a

what I am getting in return:

* /echo: insufficient parameters (line 4, script1.ini)

What is in friendsdat.dat:


if i put a letter in front of those numbers, however, it works just fine and doesn't give that error.

What is the deal??
That's normal.

From the help file:

If the first line in the file is a number, it must represent the total number of lines in the file. If you specify N = 0, mIRC returns the value of the first line if it's a number.

So specify 0 instead of 1.

im sorry but i am not following. what do you mean specify n = 0 smirk
set %count 0
ah nvm, i had an error in my code. it does work. lol

thanks for your help
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