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I have a script that, when I type !ignore in a query, it is supposed to send a message via pm in the query stating, in short, that I am ignoring them. But there a problem with the script. The script that I am using is
on *:input:?:{
  if $1- == !ignore {
    .ignore $active 3
    msg $active "/inc %ignore | me greets you! 1Welcome to my Ignore List! 4The population is made up of Spammers, Flooders, Random PMers, and OVERALL ANNOYING PEOPLE! 12Current Population: %ignore "
    close -m $active

The problem with this script is that it is supposed to count the number of times i have used the command, but it fails to do so. The number never changes, and I can't see how to fix it. I think it has something to do with it being used in a query that is messing it up, because when i use it as a "slap command" if you will, it counts just fine.

Any and all help is appreciated. THANKS!
Originally Posted By: johndoe123
I have a script that, when I type !ignore in a query, it is supposed to send a message via pm in the query stating, in short, that I am ignoring them. But there a problem with the script. The script that I am using is
on *:input:?:{
  if $1 == !ignore {
    .ignore $active 3
    msg $active "/inc %ignore | me greets you! 1Welcome to my Ignore List! 4The population is made up of Spammers, Flooders, Random PMers, and OVERALL ANNOYING PEOPLE! 12Current Population: %ignore "
    close -m $active

The problem with this script is that it is supposed to count the number of times i have used the command, but it fails to do so. The number never changes, and I can't see how to fix it. I think it has something to do with it being used in a query that is messing it up, because when i use it as a "slap command" if you will, it counts just fine.

Any and all help is appreciated. THANKS!

Um your problem is using quotes "/inc %ignore

That command should be alone or without the "/

on *:input:?:{
  if $1- == !ignore {
    .ignore $active 3
   inc %ignore | me greets you! " $+ 1Welcome to my Ignore List! 4The population is made up of Spammers, Flooders, Random PMers, and OVERALL ANNOYING PEOPLE! 12Current Population: %ignore $+ "
    close -m $active
I'd also avoid using "me" as a command in a script. Stick to "describe" for actions.
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