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isoHunt Offline OP
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This happens everytime I connect to a random IRC server, with mIRC running a custom script. This only happened after I had to install the .NET framework because of VS.NET. I tried upgrading to .NET SP2 but no help.

I'm running Win XP with all the security patches. The mIRC error during crash is:
The instruction at "0x77f83aed" referenced memory at "0x00000000". The memory could not be "written".

A chunk of disassembly (break point indended):
77F83AC7  mov         al,byte ptr [edi+5]
77F83AC7  mov         al,byte ptr [edi+5]
77F83ACA  and         al,10h
77F83ACC  test        al,10h
77F83ACE  mov         byte ptr [esi+5],al
77F83AD1  je          77F83ADE
77F83AD3  movzx       eax,byte ptr [esi+4]
77F83AD7  mov         eax,dword ptr [ebx+eax*4+58h]
77F83ADB  mov         dword ptr [eax+38h],esi
77F83ADE  push        edi
77F83ADF  push        ebx
77F83AE0  call        77F82F79
77F83AE5  mov         eax,dword ptr [edi+8]
77F83AE8  mov         ecx,dword ptr [edi+0Ch]
77F83AEB  cmp         eax,ecx
  77F83AED  mov         dword ptr [ecx],eax
77F83AEF  mov         dword ptr [eax+4],ecx
77F83AF2  jne         77F83B15
77F83AF4  mov         ax,word ptr [edi]
77F83AF7  cmp         ax,80h
77F83AFB  jae         77F83B15
77F83AFD  movzx       ecx,ax
77F83B00  mov         eax,ecx
77F83B02  and         ecx,7
77F83B05  mov         dl,1
77F83B07  shr         eax,3
77F83B0A  shl         dl,cl
77F83B0C  lea         eax,[eax+ebx+158h]
77F83B13  xor         byte ptr [eax],dl
77F83B15  mov         al,byte ptr [edi+5]
77F83B18  test        al,4
77F83B1A  je          77F83B88
77F83B1C  test        al,2
77F83B1E  movzx       ecx,word ptr [edi]
77F83B21  lea         ecx,[ecx*8-10h]
77F83B28  mov         dword ptr [ebp+14h],ecx
77F83B2B  je          77F83B36

Note that this is reproducible down to the exact same memory addresses and assembly instuctions for every crash, but shouldn't be an exploit by someone as I connect to a random server and mIRC crashes within 2 minutes.

Appreciate any help, let me know any more info you need me to provide to trace this bug. Is anyone having the same problem ?

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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This happens everytime I connect to a random IRC server, with mIRC running a custom script.

Have you tried it on a plain installation of mIRC with no scripts?

Try turning remotes off with /!remote off, restarting mIRC and see if it still happens.

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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ok im gonna take a guess and say u have a dll that performs a function on connect, and im going to also take another assumption and say the dll subclasses the mirc to perform certain things, im only guessing this because i too encountered the same problem immediatly after installing VS.net and then found outthat my problem was caused by order of unload on the dlls, remember if a dll subclasses mirc then the next dll u load would be calling functions under that subclassed mirc not the normal mirc. so if u unload dll 1 before dll2 u will get a memory error, something like unable to write to memory block and address 234r123(example not real address block) hopefully this helps alil

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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w0-0t, VS.NET >:P

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isoHunt Offline OP
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replying to another post, no mirc doesn't crash with a clean copy. It crashes when I run a script I wrote which yes, Does load a dll which I need to directly interface with Mysql: http://www.mircscripts.org/comments.php?id=1542

Nice to hear that you are having the same issue after installing .NET, coz I too have this problem only after installing .NET, I've been running this script for months now. (it does crash occasionally but not like this)

I've taken your advice and tried disabling ocassional unloading of dll (there is only 1 dll). No luck, still crashes within 2 minutes of connecting (when traffic comes in and the dll actually gets used a few times).

I would uninstall this .NET POS, but i need it right now for Visual C.net which i need for a school project. Any idea for a fix beside uninstalling .NET? Or a possibly a more permanent fix in next version of mIRC, since this bug seems to be reproducible with .NET and dlls?

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ic3 Offline
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Self-satisified door
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I think this problem is related with DCC's. Precisely, with DCC's Closing. Do you have any DCC Send/Chat in this script?

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isoHunt Offline OP
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actually nah, I fixed it. It was a corrupted Mysql database table that caused problems with the dll, which in turn crashed Mirc. The dll doesn't seem to do null pointers et al. very well, oh well. At least it works now if everything plays nicely.

However, I'm curious if mIRC can be made more resilient to crashes due to dlls, or it's inherently the dll's job to do memory handling properly and not crash mIRC?

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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mirc cant really be made more resiliant for crashes on dlls that alter or retunr info to mirc, until mirc becomes multithreaded, and given the ability to end process of corrupted thread. mine was a simple fix for me and it only happened to me on close of mirc, i reordered the loading and unloading of dlls and it fixed it, thanx to naru for that lil suggestion.

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isoHunt Offline OP
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multithreads... Khaled, are you listening?? shocked

and thx to your help too, it got me looking more closely at what the dll is doing.

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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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actually there would be little mirc could do. a dll can try to write to memory that simply doesnt exist for example

char *blah;
blah[0] = 'c';

because the dll is loaded into the address space of mircs main thread then that thread is closed (by windows). adding additional threads would add to the complexity of the situation. A dll may be loaded in a seperate thread and tries to access shared resources. this can also cause crashes and at the very least corruption of said resource. There are of course solutions one can use such as semaphores ctritical sections mutex's and the like however the code can become quite complex and quite difficult to track down errors.

in this example it was the fault of the dll not handling NULL pointers and not mirc's perhaps a quick message to the author of the dll might be helpful smile

Have Fun smile
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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Doesn't $dllcall run the DLL in it's own thread?

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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I would assume since mirc is single threaded, no.

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Pikka bird
Pikka bird
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*sigh* KingTomato, before replying to other people's posts, please get your facts straight. $dllcall does indeed call the dll in its own thread. It says so right in the DLL section of the mIRC help file. I quote:


$dllcall() is multi-threaded so it will not halt the script and will call the specified alias once the call returns.


^------rintaun irl

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