this is not a request for help but the easiest solution I found for a problem I had.

I couldn't receive files using passive DCC. I already forwarded the correct ports in my router and set them accordingly in mirc. The problem was the IP set in IRC. Since I'm using a VPN, neither the normal nor the server method set the correct IP in IRC. This leads to DCC connection problems.

Solution ideas:
I thought about many different solutions. A port forwarding set in the VPN software would probably help. I also had the idea to create a script receiving the correct IP from my router via UPNP and set it via localinfo in mirc. Of course it's also an option to set the ip manually whenever starting mirc. It might also be an option to use some kind of tunneling to let mirc bypass the vpn.

The solution:
The easiest way (for me) to get rid of the problem was to use a dynamic dns service. My router (fritzbox) offers the option to automatically update the ddns service.
In mirc I set the option "On connect always get Ip adress" (disable to also get the hostname).
As a hostname I used the hostname from the ddns - for example abctest.ddns.net
As lookup method use "server".

This way mirc looks up the ip address of the ddns hostname via the server - and thus receives my correct public ip.

I posted this here if somebody has the same problem - hoping the person will search and find this here.
This decreases the safety / anonymity usually given by the VPN.