Hello smile

Basicly I have two users on the same server and channel.
I need anyone to be able to start the game with !play command.
Only one game every half hour allowed.
I'm using $me to identify which user is going to say what.

The problem I'm having is with the 1 game / half hour rule.
I have a variable (%posted) that I set to unset after 1800s inside the if statement that checks if %posted is set to is_set.

Code here:
on *:TEXT:!play:#: {
  if (%posted != is_set) {
    set -u1800 %posted is_set
    if ($me == svensson) {
      timer 1 100 msg $chan 100seconds
      timer 1 200 msg $chan 200seconds
    elseif ($me == bot_swe) { 
      timer 1 50 msg $chan 50seconds
      timer 1 150 msg $chan 150seconds

If I remove if (%posted != is_set) { } it works as "planned" but with it added only one of the bots are posting.

Im assuming its not possible to do it like this or what have I missed? smile

plz help smile