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#133509 21/10/05 07:29 PM
Joined: Oct 2005
Posts: 51
Babel fish
OP Offline
Babel fish
Joined: Oct 2005
Posts: 51
ok i got logger looks nice work good
but 1 thing it dont log it make nice window
show everything thats going on in that window on
every chan u in on every server u on it just dont log
it makes a log file auto but only thing it logs is this

ok this is what is in log

Session Start: Thu Oct 13 19:38:20 2005
Session Ident: @chanlog
Session Close: Thu Oct 13 19:39:10 2005

Session Start: Sat Oct 15 10:13:26 2005
Session Ident: @chanlog
Session Close: Sat Oct 15 10:18:37 2005

and this is name of the log file it makes

 alias togglelog {
  if ($1 == $null) {  
    if ($group(#alog).status == on) {
      disable #alog
      close -@ @chanlog
    else enable #alog
  if ($readini(crazyspence.ini,alog,$1) == off) {
    writeini crazyspence.ini alog $1 on
    echo -a -- $1 reactivated
  else {
    writeini crazyspence.ini alog $1 off
    echo -a -- $1 deactivated

alias autoalog {
  if ($1 == off) {
    writeini crazyspence.ini alog auto off
    echo -s -- Auto windowing disabled
  echo -s -- Auto windowing active.... Checking Max window size
  window -ax " $+ $active $+ "
  writeini crazyspence.ini alog mircx $window($active).x
  if ($window($active).y < 0) writeini crazyspence.ini alog mircy 0 
  else writeini crazyspence.ini alog mircy $window($active).y
  writeini crazyspence.ini alog mircw $window($active).w
  writeini crazyspence.ini alog mirch $window($active).h 
  writeini crazyspence.ini alog auto on 
  window -r " $+ $active $+ "  
  echo -s -- Beginning window resize
  if ($readini(crazyspence.ini,alog,edit) == on) window -rle @chanlog $readini(crazyspence.ini,alog,mircx) $round($calc($readini(crazyspence.ini,alog,mirch) * 0.75),0) $readini(crazyspence.ini,alog,mircw) $round($calc($readini(crazyspence.ini,alog,mirch - $readini(crazyspence.ini,alog,mirch) * 0.79)),0)
  else window -rl @chanlog $readini(crazyspence.ini,alog,mircx) $round($calc($readini(crazyspence.ini,alog,mirch) * 0.75),0) $readini(crazyspence.ini,alog,mircw) $round($calc($readini(crazyspence.ini,alog,mirch - $readini(crazyspence.ini,alog,mirch) * 0.79)),0)
  set %alog.scid $scid(0)    
  while (%alog.scid > 0) {
    scid $scon(%alog.scid)
    window -r " $+ Status Window $+ " $readini(crazyspence.ini,alog,mircx) $readini(crazyspence.ini,alog,mircy) $readini(crazyspence.ini,alog,mircw) $round($calc($readini(crazyspence.ini,alog,mirch) * 0.75),0)    
    dec %alog.scid        
    set %alog.i 0  
    while (%alog.i <= $chan(0) || %alog.i <= $query(0) || %alog.i <= $window(0) || %alog.i <= $chat(0) || %alog.i <= $send(0) || %alog.i <= $get(0) || %alog.i <= $fserve(0)) {  
      inc %alog.i      
      if ($chan(%alog.i)) {
        window -r " $+ $chan(%alog.i) $+ " $readini(crazyspence.ini,alog,mircx) $readini(crazyspence.ini,alog,mircy) $readini(crazyspence.ini,alog,mircw) $round($calc($readini(crazyspence.ini,alog,mirch) * 0.75),0)
      if ($query(%alog.i)) {
        window -r " $+ $query(%alog.i) $+ " $readini(crazyspence.ini,alog,mircx) $readini(crazyspence.ini,alog,mircy) $readini(crazyspence.ini,alog,mircw) $round($calc($readini(crazyspence.ini,alog,mirch) * 0.75),0)
      if ($window(%alog.i) && $window(%alog.i) != @chanlog) {
        window -r " $+ $window(%alog.i) $+ " $readini(crazyspence.ini,alog,mircx) $readini(crazyspence.ini,alog,mircy) $readini(crazyspence.ini,alog,mircw) $round($calc($readini(crazyspence.ini,alog,mirch) * 0.75),0)
      if ($send(%alog.i)) {
        window -r " $+ $send(%alog.i) $+ " $readini(crazyspence.ini,alog,mircx) $readini(crazyspence.ini,alog,mircy) $readini(crazyspence.ini,alog,mircw) $round($calc($readini(crazyspence.ini,alog,mirch) * 0.75),0)
      if ($chat(%alog.i)) {
        window -r " $+ = $+ $chat(%alog.i) $+ " $readini(crazyspence.ini,alog,mircx) $readini(crazyspence.ini,alog,mircy) $readini(crazyspence.ini,alog,mircw) $round($calc($readini(crazyspence.ini,alog,mirch) * 0.75),0)
      if ($get(%alog.i)) {
        window -r " $+ $get(%alog.i) $+ " $readini(crazyspence.ini,alog,mircx) $readini(crazyspence.ini,alog,mircy) $readini(crazyspence.ini,alog,mircw) $round($calc($readini(crazyspence.ini,alog,mirch) * 0.75),0)
      if ($fserve(%alog.i)) {
        window -r " $+ $fserve(%alog.i) $+ " $readini(crazyspence.ini,alog,mircx) $readini(crazyspence.ini,alog,mircy) $readini(crazyspence.ini,alog,mircw) $round($calc($readini(crazyspence.ini,alog,mirch) * 0.75),0)
  echo -s -- Windows resized. All new windows will be automatically resized
  echo -s -- If you change your resolution or mIRC's window size please type /autoalog again to adjust
  echo -s -- To disable this feature type /autoalog off
  unset %alog.scid
  unset %alog.i

alias asetup {
  dialog -m aoptions alogoptions
  if ($readini(crazyspence.ini,alog,edit) == on) did -c aoptions 12 
  if ($readini(crazyspence.ini,alog,auto) == on) did -c aoptions 13
  if ($readini(crazyspence.ini,alog,snotice) == on) did -c aoptions 14
  if ($readini(crazyspence.ini,alog,input) == on) did -c aoptions 16
  if ($readini(crazyspence.ini,alog,cmsg) == on) did -c aoptions 22
  if ($readini(crazyspence.ini,alog,caction) == on) did -c aoptions 23
  if ($readini(crazyspence.ini,alog,cnotice) == on) did -c aoptions 24
  if ($readini(crazyspence.ini,alog,cjoin) == on) did -c aoptions 25
  if ($readini(crazyspence.ini,alog,cquit) == on) did -c aoptions 26
  if ($readini(crazyspence.ini,alog,ckick) == on) did -c aoptions 27
  if ($readini(crazyspence.ini,alog,cnick) == on) did -c aoptions 28
  if ($readini(crazyspence.ini,alog,ctopic) == on) did -c aoptions 29
  if ($readini(crazyspence.ini,alog,cmode) == on) did -c aoptions 200
  if ($readini(crazyspence.ini,alog,pmsg) == on) did -c aoptions 32
  if ($readini(crazyspence.ini,alog,paction) == on) did -c aoptions 33
  if ($readini(crazyspence.ini,alog,pnotice) == on) did -c aoptions 34
  did -r aoptions 44  
  set %alog.i 1
  while (%alog.i <= $ini(crazyspence.ini,alog,0)) {
    if ($left($ini(crazyspence.ini,alog,%alog.i),1) == $chr(35)) {
      if ($readini(crazyspence.ini,alog,$ini(crazyspence.ini,alog,%alog.i)) == off ) did -a aoptions 44 $ini(crazyspence.ini,alog,%alog.i)
    inc %alog.i  
  unset %alog.i

on 1:start:{
  echo --- Activity log by CrazySpence
  echo --- type /asetup to change settings and manage log block list
  if ($readini(crazyspence.ini,alog,auto) == on) autoalog
on 1:load:{
  if (!$readini(crazyspence.ini,alog,cmsg)) writeini crazyspence.ini alog cmsg on
  if (!$readini(crazyspence.ini,alog,caction)) writeini crazyspence.ini alog caction on
  if (!$readini(crazyspence.ini,alog,cjoin)) writeini crazyspence.ini alog cjoin on
  if (!$readini(crazyspence.ini,alog,cquit)) writeini crazyspence.ini alog cquit on
  if (!$readini(crazyspence.ini,alog,input)) writeini crazyspence.ini alog input on
on 1:unload:{
  window -c @chanlog  
  window -x " $+ $active $+ "
  if (%alog.unload == yes) {  
    unset %alog.unload    
    echo -a -- Unloading and Checking for other CrazySpence scripts (they all use the same ini file)
    if ($script(colournicks.mrc)) {
      remini crazyspence.ini alog
      echo -a -- CrazySpence script still active and crazyspence.ini will not be deleted, removing alog section from CrazySpence.ini    
    if ($script(foreverplayer.mrc)) { 
      remini crazyspence.ini alog
      echo -a -- CrazySpence script still active and crazyspence.ini will not be deleted, removing alog section from CrazySpence.ini    
    remove crazyspence.ini
    echo -a -- no CrazySpence scripts detected, crazyspence.ini removed
  else {
    echo -a -- Unloading script and keeping current settings
    unset %alog.unload    

#alog on
on 1:text:*:#:{
  if ($readini(crazyspence.ini,alog,cmsg) != on) return
  if ($readini(crazyspence.ini,alog,$chan) == off) return  
  if $window(chanlog) == $null) window -l @chanlog
  if ($line(@chanlog,0)  >= $left($readini(mirc.ini,options,n3),$calc($pos($readini(mirc.ini,options,n3),$chr(44),1) - 1))) dline @chanlog 1
  if ($mid($readini(mirc.ini,options,n4),$calc($pos($readini(mirc.ini,options,n4),$chr(44),12) - 1),1) == 1) aline @chanlog $timestamp $chan < $+ $nick $+ > $1-
  else aline @chanlog $chan < $+ $nick $+ > $1-
  sline @chanlog $line(@chanlog,0)
on 1:text:*:?:{
  if ($readini(crazyspence.ini,alog,pmsg) != on) return
  if $window(chanlog) == $null) window -l @chanlog
  if ($line(@chanlog,0)  >= $left($readini(mirc.ini,options,n3),$calc($pos($readini(mirc.ini,options,n3),$chr(44),1) - 1))) dline @chanlog 1
  if ($mid($readini(mirc.ini,options,n4),$calc($pos($readini(mirc.ini,options,n4),$chr(44),12) - 1),1) == 1) aline @chanlog $timestamp * $+ $nick $+ * $1-
  else aline @chanlog $chan * $+ $nick $+ * $1-
  sline @chanlog $line(@chanlog,0)
on 1:action:*:#:{
  if ($readini(crazyspence.ini,alog,caction) != on) return 
  if ($readini(crazyspence.ini,alog,$chan) == off) return  
  if $window(chanlog) == $null) window -l @chanlog
  if ($line(@chanlog,0)  >= $left($readini(mirc.ini,options,n3),$calc($pos($readini(mirc.ini,options,n3),$chr(44),1) - 1))) dline @chanlog 1
  if ($mid($readini(mirc.ini,options,n4),$calc($pos($readini(mirc.ini,options,n4),$chr(44),12) - 1),1) == 1) aline @chanlog $timestamp $chan * $nick $1-
  else aline @chanlog $chan * $nick $1-
  sline @chanlog $line(@chanlog,0)
on 1:action:*:?:{
  if ($readini(crazyspence.ini,alog,caction) != on) return 
  if ($readini(crazyspence.ini,alog,$chan) == off) return  
  if $window(chanlog) == $null) window -l @chanlog
  if ($line(@chanlog,0)  >= $left($readini(mirc.ini,options,n3),$calc($pos($readini(mirc.ini,options,n3),$chr(44),1) - 1))) dline @chanlog 1
  if ($mid($readini(mirc.ini,options,n4),$calc($pos($readini(mirc.ini,options,n4),$chr(44),12) - 1),1) == 1) aline @chanlog $timestamp * $+ $nick $+ * $1-
  else aline @chanlog * $+ $nick $+ * $1-
  sline @chanlog $line(@chanlog,0)
on 1:join:*:{
  if ($readini(crazyspence.ini,alog,cjoin) != on) return  
  if ($readini(crazyspence.ini,alog,$chan) == off) return  
  if $window(chanlog) == $null) window -l @chanlog
  if ($line(@chanlog,0)  >= $left($readini(mirc.ini,options,n3),$calc($pos($readini(mirc.ini,options,n3),$chr(44),1) - 1))) dline @chanlog 1
  if ($mid($readini(mirc.ini,options,n4),$calc($pos($readini(mirc.ini,options,n4),$chr(44),12) - 1),1) == 1) aline @chanlog $timestamp $chan $nick has joined 
  else aline @chanlog $chan $nick has joined 
  sline @chanlog $line(@chanlog,0)
on 1:part:*:{
  if ($readini(crazyspence.ini,alog,cjoin) != on) return
  if ($readini(crazyspence.ini,alog,$chan) == off) return  
  if $window(chanlog) == $null) window -l @chanlog
  if ($line(@chanlog,0)  >= $left($readini(mirc.ini,options,n3),$calc($pos($readini(mirc.ini,options,n3),$chr(44),1) - 1))) dline @chanlog 1
  if ($mid($readini(mirc.ini,options,n4),$calc($pos($readini(mirc.ini,options,n4),$chr(44),12) - 1),1) == 1) aline @chanlog $timestamp $chan $nick has left
  else aline @chanlog $chan $nick has left
  sline @chanlog $line(@chanlog,0)
on 1:quit:{
  if ($readini(crazyspence.ini,alog,cquit) != on) return
  set %alog.scid $scid(0)    
  while (%alog.scid > 0) {
    scid $scon(%alog.scid)
    dec %alog.scid        
    set %alog.i 0    
    while (%alog.i <= $ini(crazyspence.ini,alog,0)) {  
      inc %alog.i       
      if ($nick ison $ini(crazyspence.ini,alog,%alog.i)) {
        if ($readini(crazyspence.ini,alog,$ini(crazyspence.ini,alog,%alog.i)) == off) { 
          unset %alog.i
          unset %alog.scid          
  unset %alog.i 
  unset %alog.scid 
  scid -r  
  if ($readini(crazyspence.ini,alog,$chan) == off) return  
  if $window(chanlog) == $null) window -l @chanlog
  if ($line(@chanlog,0)  >= $left($readini(mirc.ini,options,n3),$calc($pos($readini(mirc.ini,options,n3),$chr(44),1) - 1))) dline @chanlog 1
  if ($mid($readini(mirc.ini,options,n4),$calc($pos($readini(mirc.ini,options,n4),$chr(44),12) - 1),1) == 1) aline @chanlog $timestamp $nick on $network has Quit( $+ $1- $+ )
  else aline @chanlog $nick on $network has Quit( $+ $1- $+ )
  sline @chanlog $line(@chanlog,0)
on 1:notice:*:#:{
  if ($readini(crazyspence.ini,alog,cnotice) != on) return
  if ($readini(crazyspence.ini,alog,$chan) == off) return  
  if $window(chanlog) == $null) window -l @chanlog
  if ($line(@chanlog,0)  >= $left($readini(mirc.ini,options,n3),$calc($pos($readini(mirc.ini,options,n3),$chr(44),1) - 1))) dline @chanlog 1
  if ($mid($readini(mirc.ini,options,n4),$calc($pos($readini(mirc.ini,options,n4),$chr(44),12) - 1),1) == 1) aline @chanlog $timestamp $chan - $+ $nick $+ - $1-
  else aline @chanlog $chan - $+ $nick $+ - $1-
  sline @chanlog $line(@chanlog,0)
on 1:notice:*:?:{
  if ($readini(crazyspence.ini,alog,pnotice) != on) return
  if $window(chanlog) == $null) window -l @chanlog
  if ($line(@chanlog,0)  >= $left($readini(mirc.ini,options,n3),$calc($pos($readini(mirc.ini,options,n3),$chr(44),1) - 1))) dline @chanlog 1
  if ($mid($readini(mirc.ini,options,n4),$calc($pos($readini(mirc.ini,options,n4),$chr(44),12) - 1),1) == 1) aline @chanlog $timestamp - $+ $nick $+ - $1-
  else aline @chanlog - $+ $nick $+ - $1-
  sline @chanlog $line(@chanlog,0)
on 1:kick:#:{
  if ($readini(crazyspence.ini,alog,ckick) != on) return
  if ($readini(crazyspence.ini,alog,$chan) == off) return  
  if $window(chanlog) == $null) window -l @chanlog
  if ($line(@chanlog,0)  >= $left($readini(mirc.ini,options,n3),$calc($pos($readini(mirc.ini,options,n3),$chr(44),1) - 1))) dline @chanlog 1
  if ($mid($readini(mirc.ini,options,n4),$calc($pos($readini(mirc.ini,options,n4),$chr(44),12) - 1),1) == 1) aline @chanlog $timestamp $chan $nick kicked $knick ( $+ $1- $+ )
  else aline @chanlog $chan $nick kicked $knick ( $+ $1- $+ )
  sline @chanlog $line(@chanlog,0)
on 1:nick:{
  if ($readini(crazyspence.ini,alog,cnick) != on) return
  if ($readini(crazyspence.ini,alog,$chan) == off) return  
  if $window(chanlog) == $null) window -l @chanlog
  if ($line(@chanlog,0)  >= $left($readini(mirc.ini,options,n3),$calc($pos($readini(mirc.ini,options,n3),$chr(44),1) - 1))) dline @chanlog 1
  if ($mid($readini(mirc.ini,options,n4),$calc($pos($readini(mirc.ini,options,n4),$chr(44),12) - 1),1) == 1) aline @chanlog $timestamp $nick is now known as $newnick
  else aline @chanlog $nick is now known as $newnick
  sline @chanlog $line(@chanlog,0)
on 1:topic:#:{
  if ($readini(crazyspence.ini,alog,ctopic) != on) return
  if ($readini(crazyspence.ini,alog,$chan) == off) return  
  if $window(chanlog) == $null) window -l @chanlog
  if ($line(@chanlog,0)  >= $left($readini(mirc.ini,options,n3),$calc($pos($readini(mirc.ini,options,n3),$chr(44),1) - 1))) dline @chanlog 1
  if ($mid($readini(mirc.ini,options,n4),$calc($pos($readini(mirc.ini,options,n4),$chr(44),12) - 1),1) == 1) aline @chanlog $timestamp $chan $nick changes topic to: $1-
  else aline @chanlog $chan $nick changes topic to: $1-
  sline @chanlog $line(@chanlog,0)
on 1:mode:#:{
  if ($readini(crazyspence.ini,alog,cmode) != on) return
  if ($readini(crazyspence.ini,alog,$chan) == off) return  
  if $window(chanlog) == $null) window -l @chanlog
  if ($line(@chanlog,0)  >= $left($readini(mirc.ini,options,n3),$calc($pos($readini(mirc.ini,options,n3),$chr(44),1) - 1))) dline @chanlog 1
  if ($mid($readini(mirc.ini,options,n4),$calc($pos($readini(mirc.ini,options,n4),$chr(44),12) - 1),1) == 1) aline @chanlog $timestamp $chan $nick set mode: $1-
  else aline @chanlog $chan $nick set mode: $1-
  sline @chanlog $line(@chanlog,0)
on 1:ban:#:{
  if ($readini(crazyspence.ini,alog,ckick) != on) return
  if ($readini(crazyspence.ini,alog,$chan) == off) return  
  if $window(chanlog) == $null) window -l @chanlog
  if ($line(@chanlog,0)  >= $left($readini(mirc.ini,options,n3),$calc($pos($readini(mirc.ini,options,n3),$chr(44),1) - 1))) dline @chanlog 1
  if ($mid($readini(mirc.ini,options,n4),$calc($pos($readini(mirc.ini,options,n4),$chr(44),12) - 1),1) == 1) aline @chanlog $timestamp $chan $nick banned $banmask
  else aline @chanlog $chan $nick banned $banmask
  sline @chanlog $line(@chanlog,0)
on 1:unban:#:{
  if ($readini(crazyspence.ini,alog,ckick) != on) return
  if ($readini(crazyspence.ini,alog,$chan) == off) return  
  if $window(chanlog) == $null) window -l @chanlog
  if ($line(@chanlog,0)  >= $left($readini(mirc.ini,options,n3),$calc($pos($readini(mirc.ini,options,n3),$chr(44),1) - 1))) dline @chanlog 1
  if ($mid($readini(mirc.ini,options,n4),$calc($pos($readini(mirc.ini,options,n4),$chr(44),12) - 1),1) == 1) aline @chanlog $timestamp $chan $nick unbanned $banmask
  else aline @chanlog $chan $nick unbanned $banmask
  sline @chanlog $line(@chanlog,0)
on 1:snotice:*:{
  if ($readini(crazyspence.ini,alog,snotice) != on) return
  if $window(chanlog) == $null) window -l @chanlog
  if ($line(@chanlog,0)  >= $left($readini(mirc.ini,options,n3),$calc($pos($readini(mirc.ini,options,n3),$chr(44),1) - 1))) dline @chanlog 1
  if ($mid($readini(mirc.ini,options,n4),$calc($pos($readini(mirc.ini,options,n4),$chr(44),12) - 1),1) == 1) aline @chanlog $timestamp - $+ $server $+ - $1-
  else aline @chanlog - $+ $server $+ - $1-
  sline @chanlog $line(@chanlog,0)

on 1:active:*:{
  scid $activecid 
  if ($active == @chanlog) {
    if ($readini(crazyspence.ini,alog,edit) == on) window -rle @chanlog $readini(crazyspence.ini,alog,mircx) $round($calc($readini(crazyspence.ini,alog,mirch) * 0.75),0) $readini(crazyspence.ini,alog,mircw) $round($calc($readini(crazyspence.ini,alog,mirch - $readini(crazyspence.ini,alog,mirch) * 0.79)),0)
    else window -rl @chanlog $readini(crazyspence.ini,alog,mircx) $round($calc($readini(crazyspence.ini,alog,mirch) * 0.75),0) $readini(crazyspence.ini,alog,mircw) $round($calc($readini(crazyspence.ini,alog,mirch - $readini(crazyspence.ini,alog,mirch) * 0.79)),0)
  if ($readini(crazyspence.ini,alog,auto) == on) window -r " $+ $active $+ " $readini(crazyspence.ini,alog,mircx) $readini(crazyspence.ini,alog,mircy) $readini(crazyspence.ini,alog,mircw) $round($calc($readini(crazyspence.ini,alog,mirch) * 0.75),0)

on 1:input:#:{
  if ($readini(crazyspence.ini,alog,input) != on) return  
  if ($1 == /msg) {
    echo -s -> * $+ $2 $+ * $3-
    if ($mid($readini(mirc.ini,options,n4),$calc($pos($readini(mirc.ini,options,n4),$chr(44),12) - 1),1) == 1) aline @chanlog $timestamp -> * $+ $2 $+ * $3-
    else aline @chanlog -> * $+ $2 $+ * $3-
    sline @chanlog $line(@chanlog,0)
  if ($1 == /me) {
    if ($mid($readini(mirc.ini,options,n4),$calc($pos($readini(mirc.ini,options,n4),$chr(44),12) - 1),1) == 1) aline @chanlog $timestamp $chan * $me $2-
    else aline @chanlog $chan * $me $2-
    sline @chanlog $line(@chanlog,0)
  if ($1 == /describe) {
    if ($mid($readini(mirc.ini,options,n4),$calc($pos($readini(mirc.ini,options,n4),$chr(44),12) - 1),1) == 1) aline @chanlog $timestamp -> * $+ $2 $+ * * $me $3-
    else aline @chanlog -> * $+ $2 $+ * * $me $3-
    sline @chanlog $line(@chanlog,0)
  if ($left($1,1) == /) return  
  if ($mid($readini(mirc.ini,options,n4),$calc($pos($readini(mirc.ini,options,n4),$chr(44),12) - 1),1) == 1) aline @chanlog $timestamp $chan < $+ $me $+ > $1-
  else aline @chanlog $chan < $+ $me $+ > $1-
  sline @chanlog $line(@chanlog,0)
on 1:input:?:{
  if ($readini(crazyspence.ini,alog,input) != on) return  
  if ($1 == /msg) {
    echo -s -> * $+ $2 $+ * $3-
    if ($mid($readini(mirc.ini,options,n4),$calc($pos($readini(mirc.ini,options,n4),$chr(44),12) - 1),1) == 1) aline @chanlog $timestamp -> * $+ $2 $+ * $3-
    else aline @chanlog -> * $+ $2 $+ * $3-
    sline @chanlog $line(@chanlog,0)
  if ($1 == /me) {
    if ($mid($readini(mirc.ini,options,n4),$calc($pos($readini(mirc.ini,options,n4),$chr(44),12) - 1),1) == 1) aline @chanlog $timestamp -> * $+ $active $+ * * $me $2-
    else aline @chanlog * $+ $query $+ * * $me $2-
    sline @chanlog $line(@chanlog,0)
  if ($1 == /describe) {
    if ($mid($readini(mirc.ini,options,n4),$calc($pos($readini(mirc.ini,options,n4),$chr(44),12) - 1),1) == 1) aline @chanlog $timestamp -> * $+ $2 $+ * * $me $3-
    else aline @chanlog -> * $+ $2 $+ * * $me $3-
    sline @chanlog $line(@chanlog,0)
  if ($left($1,1) == /) return  
  if ($mid($readini(mirc.ini,options,n4),$calc($pos($readini(mirc.ini,options,n4),$chr(44),12) - 1),1) == 1) aline @chanlog $timestamp -> * $+ $active $+ * < $+ $me $+ > $1-
  else aline @chanlog $chan < $+ $me $+ > $1-
  sline @chanlog $line(@chanlog,0)
on 1:input:@chanlog:{
  if ($readini(crazyspence.ini,alog,input) != on) return  
  if ($1 == /msg) {
    echo -s -> * $+ $2 $+ * $3-
    if ($mid($readini(mirc.ini,options,n4),$calc($pos($readini(mirc.ini,options,n4),$chr(44),12) - 1),1) == 1) aline @chanlog $timestamp -> * $+ $2 $+ * $3-
    else aline @chanlog -> * $+ $2 $+ * $3-
    sline @chanlog $line(@chanlog,0)
  if ($1 == /describe) {
    if ($mid($readini(mirc.ini,options,n4),$calc($pos($readini(mirc.ini,options,n4),$chr(44),12) - 1),1) == 1) aline @chanlog $timestamp -> * $+ $2 $+ * * $me $3-
    else aline @chanlog -> * $+ $2 $+ * * $me $3-
    sline @chanlog $line(@chanlog,0)
on 1:input:Status Window:{
  if ($readini(crazyspence.ini,alog,input) != on) return  
  if ($1 == /msg) {
    echo -s -> * $+ $2 $+ * $3-
    if ($mid($readini(mirc.ini,options,n4),$calc($pos($readini(mirc.ini,options,n4),$chr(44),12) - 1),1) == 1) aline @chanlog $timestamp -> * $+ $2 $+ * $3-
    else aline @chanlog -> * $+ $2 $+ * $3-
    sline @chanlog $line(@chanlog,0)
  if ($1 == /describe) {
    if ($mid($readini(mirc.ini,options,n4),$calc($pos($readini(mirc.ini,options,n4),$chr(44),12) - 1),1) == 1) aline @chanlog $timestamp -> * $+ $2 $+ * * $me $3-
    else aline @chanlog -> * $+ $2 $+ * * $me $3-
    sline @chanlog $line(@chanlog,0)

#alog end
on 1:dialog:aoptions:sclick:12:{
  if ($did($did).state == 1) {
    writeini crazyspence.ini alog edit on
    window -c @chanlog
    window -le @chanlog
  else {
    writeini crazyspence.ini alog edit off
    window -c @chanlog
    window -l @chanlog

on 1:dialog:aoptions:sclick:13:{
  if ($did($did).state == 1) {
    writeini crazyspence.ini alog auto on
  else writeini crazyspence.ini alog auto off
on 1:dialog:aoptions:sclick:14:{
  if ($did($did).state == 1) writeini crazyspence.ini alog snotice on
  else writeini crazyspence.ini alog snotice off
on 1:dialog:aoptions:sclick:15:{
  if ($did($did).state == 1) disable #alog
  else enable #alog
on 1:dialog:aoptions:sclick:16:{
  if ($did($did).state == 1) writeini crazyspence.ini alog input on
  else writeini crazyspence.ini alog input off

on 1:dialog:aoptions:sclick:22:{
  if ($did($did).state == 1) writeini crazyspence.ini alog cmsg on
  else writeini crazyspence.ini alog cmsg off
on 1:dialog:aoptions:sclick:23:{
  if ($did($did).state == 1) writeini crazyspence.ini alog caction on
  else writeini crazyspence.ini alog caction off
on 1:dialog:aoptions:sclick:24:{
  if ($did($did).state == 1) writeini crazyspence.ini alog cnotice on
  else writeini crazyspence.ini alog cnotice off
on 1:dialog:aoptions:sclick:25:{
  if ($did($did).state == 1) writeini crazyspence.ini alog cjoin on
  else writeini crazyspence.ini alog cjoin off
on 1:dialog:aoptions:sclick:26:{
  if ($did($did).state == 1) writeini crazyspence.ini alog cquit on
  else writeini crazyspence.ini alog cquit off
on 1:dialog:aoptions:sclick:27:{
  if ($did($did).state == 1) writeini crazyspence.ini alog ckick on
  else writeini crazyspence.ini alog ckick off
on 1:dialog:aoptions:sclick:28:{
  if ($did($did).state == 1) writeini crazyspence.ini alog cnick on
  else writeini crazyspence.ini alog cnick off
on 1:dialog:aoptions:sclick:29:{
  if ($did($did).state == 1) writeini crazyspence.ini alog ctopic on
  else writeini crazyspence.ini alog ctopic off
on 1:dialog:aoptions:sclick:200:{
  if ($did($did).state == 1) writeini crazyspence.ini alog cmode on
  else writeini crazyspence.ini alog cmode off

on 1:dialog:aoptions:sclick:32:{
  if ($did($did).state == 1) writeini crazyspence.ini alog pmsg on
  else writeini crazyspence.ini alog pmsg off
on 1:dialog:aoptions:sclick:33:{
  if ($did($did).state == 1) writeini crazyspence.ini alog paction on
  else writeini crazyspence.ini alog paction off
on 1:dialog:aoptions:sclick:34:{
  if ($did($did).state == 1) writeini crazyspence.ini alog pnotice on
  else writeini crazyspence.ini alog pnotice off

on 1:dialog:aoptions:sclick:42:{
  if ($left($did(43).text,1) == $chr(35)) {
    writeini crazyspence.ini alog $did(43).text off
    did -r aoptions 44    
    set %alog.i 1
    while (%alog.i <= $ini(crazyspence.ini,alog,0)) {
      if ($left($ini(crazyspence.ini,alog,%alog.i),1) == $chr(35)) {
        if ($readini(crazyspence.ini,alog,$ini(crazyspence.ini,alog,%alog.i)) == off ) did -a aoptions 44 $ini(crazyspence.ini,alog,%alog.i)
      inc %alog.i  

  unset %alog.i

on 1:dialog:aoptions:dclick:44:{
  writeini crazyspence.ini alog $did($did).seltext on  
  did -d aoptions $did($did).sel 44
  did -r aoptions 44    
  set %alog.i 1
  while (%alog.i <= $ini(crazyspence.ini,alog,0)) {
    if ($left($ini(crazyspence.ini,alog,%alog.i),1) == $chr(35)) {
      if ($readini(crazyspence.ini,alog,$ini(crazyspence.ini,alog,%alog.i)) == off ) did -a aoptions 44 $ini(crazyspence.ini,alog,%alog.i)
    inc %alog.i  
  unset %alog.i

menu @chanlog {
    if ($mid($readini(mirc.ini,options,n4),$calc($pos($readini(mirc.ini,options,n4),$chr(44),12) - 1),1) == 1) set %alog.chan $mid($line(@chanlog,$1-),$calc($pos($line(@chanlog,$1-), $chr(32),1) + 1),$calc($pos($line(@chanlog,$1-), $chr(32),2) - $pos($line(@chanlog,$1-), $chr(32),1)))
    else set %alog.chan $left($line(@chanlog,$1-),$pos($line(@chanlog,$1-),$chr(32))) 
    set %alog.scid $scid(0)  
    while (%alog.scid > 0) {  
      set %alog.loop 1      
      scid $scon(%alog.scid)
      dec %alog.scid    
      while (%alog.loop <= $chan(0)) {
        if ($chan(%alog.loop) ==  %alog.chan) {
          window -a %alog.chan
          unset %alog.*          
        inc %alog.loop      
    unset %alog.* 

dialog -l alogoptions {
  title "Activity Log options"
  size -1 -1 200 90
  option dbu

  tab     "Global", 10, -1 -1 200 125
  text     "Check boxes to turn a feature on. Uncheck to disable",1,20 22 130 10,center tab 10  
  check "Editbox", 12, 20 30 56 10,left tab 10
  check "Auto Windows", 13, 20 40 56 10,left tab 10  
  check "Server Notices", 14, 20 50 56 10,left tab 10  
  check "Your input", 16,20 60 56 10,left tab 10  
  check "Disable Activity log ",15, 20 70 56 10,left tab 10

  tab     "Channel", 20, -1 -1 200 125
  text     "Check boxes to turn a feature on. Uncheck to disable",21,20 22 130 10,center tab 20
  check "Messages", 22, 20 30 46 10,left tab 20
  check "Actions", 23, 20 40 46 10,left tab 20
  check "Notices", 24, 20 50 46 10,left tab 20
  check "Join/part", 25, 20 60 46 10,left tab 20
  check "Quits", 26, 20 70 46 10,left tab 20
  check "Kicks/Bans", 27, 70 30 46 10,left tab 20
  check "Nick changes", 28, 70 40 46 10,left tab 20
  check "Topics", 29, 70 50 46 10,left tab 20 
  check "Modes", 200, 70 60 46 10,left tab 20 

  tab     "Private", 30, -1 -1 200 125
  text     "Check boxes to turn a feature on. Uncheck to disable",31,20 22 130 10,center tab 30
  check "Messages", 32, 20 30 46 10,left tab 30
  check "Actions", 33, 20 40 46 10,left tab 30
  check "Notices", 34, 20 50 46 10,left tab 30

  tab      "Log block", 40 -1 -1 200 125
  text     "Type channel name into the edit box, double click in the list to remove",41,10 22 180 10,center tab 40
  button "Add Channel", 42, 19 31 36 10, left tab 40
  edit     "#chan", 43, 56 30 46 10,right tab 40
  list       44, 56 45 46 50, sort tab 40

on 1:dialog:unload:sclick:2:{
  set %alog.unload yes
on 1:dialog:unload:sclick:3:{
  set %alog.unload no

dialog question {
  title "Delete settings?"
  size -1 -1 100 50
  option dbu

  text "Do you want to delete the settings in crazyspence.ini?",1, 1 5 95 20,center
  button "Yes",2,25 25 20 15,ok
  button "No",3,55 25 20 15,cancel
any help with this would be greatful
thank you

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Posts: 8,330
Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
Joined: Oct 2004
Posts: 8,330
That seems overly large for a logger... but I didn't go through it to try and see what all it did, so maybe not.

Anyhow, from the quick scan I did of it, all (or most) of the text being added to the window requires:

$mid($readini(mirc.ini,options,n4),$calc($pos($readini(mirc.ini,options,n4),$chr(44),12) - 1),1)

to equal "1".

So, I'd first check to see if it does... Type:

//echo -a $mid($readini(mirc.ini,options,n4),$calc($pos($readini(mirc.ini,options,n4),$chr(44),12) - 1),1)

See if it is 1. If not, that's your problem.

Invision Support
#Invision on irc.irchighway.net
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Posts: 51
Babel fish
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Babel fish
Joined: Oct 2005
Posts: 51
not sure what u mean by
{{So, I'd first check to see if it does... Type:}}

does it type well i no it opens log window just like
a chan window and it shows all activity in that window
so u can see whats being said in every room your in
it just dont save activity in window

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Posts: 1,245
Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
Joined: Dec 2002
Posts: 1,245
gee, I dunno, but I think it coulda been simpler too
now, I didnt test this out, but it should do ok
sample logger, fixed a bit
on *:start: { window @logging | aline @logging Session Start $fulldate | write $+($logdir,$asctime(m.d.yyyy.),channel.log) Session ID $ctime }
on *:join:#: aline @logging $timestamp $nick $address($nick,3) joins $chan $network
on *:part:#: aline @logging $timestamp $nick address($nick,3) parted $chan $network
on *:quit:{
  if ($nick == $me) { 
    aline @logging $timestamp $me quit $network 
    savebuf -a @logging $+($logdir,$asctime(m.d.yyyy.),channel.log)
  else { aline @logging $timestamp $nick $address($nick,3) quit $network }
on *:text:#: aline @logging $timestamp $nick $1-
on *:input:#: aline @logging $timestamp $me $1-
on *:close:@: if ($target == @logging) { savebuf -a @logging $+($logdir,$asctime(m.d.yyyy.),channel.log) }
on *:notice:*:?: aline @logging $timestamp $nick sent notice -> $1-
on *:snotice:*: aline @logging $timestamp SNotice $nick $1-
on *:mode:#: aline @logging $timestamp $chan $nick changed MODE $1-
on *:action:*:*: aline @logging $timestamp *** $nick $1-
ctcp *:*: aline @logging $timestamp CTCP from $nick $+ : $1-
on *:notify: aline @logging $timestamp $nick is on $network

go ahead and add whatever improvements...

Last edited by MikeChat; 22/10/05 06:14 AM.
Joined: Dec 2002
Posts: 1,245
Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
Joined: Dec 2002
Posts: 1,245
oops I dropped a $

sample logger
on *:start: { window @logging | aline @logging Session Start $fulldate | write $+($logdir,$asctime(m.d.yyyy.),channel.log) Session ID $ctime }
on *:join:#: aline @logging $timestamp $nick $address($nick,3) joins $chan $network
on *:part:#: aline @logging $timestamp $nick $address($nick,3) parted $chan $network
on *:quit:{
  if ($nick == $me) { 
    aline @logging $timestamp $me quit $network 
    savebuf -a @logging $+($logdir,$asctime(m.d.yyyy.),channel.log)
  else { aline @logging $timestamp $nick $address($nick,3) quit $network }
on *:text:#: aline @logging $timestamp $nick $1-
on *:input:#: aline @logging $timestamp $me $1-
on *:close:@: if ($target == @logging) { savebuf -a @logging $+($logdir,$asctime(m.d.yyyy.),channel.log) }
on *:notice:*:?: aline @logging $timestamp $nick sent notice -> $1-
on *:snotice:*: aline @logging $timestamp SNotice $nick $1-
on *:mode:#: aline @logging $timestamp $chan $nick changed MODE $1-
on *:action:*:*: aline @logging $timestamp *** $nick $1-
ctcp *:*: aline @logging $timestamp CTCP from $nick $+ : $1-
on *:notify: aline @logging $timestamp $nick is on $network

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Posts: 51
Babel fish
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Babel fish
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Posts: 51
ty will test

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Babel fish
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Babel fish
Joined: Oct 2005
Posts: 51
thanks 4 code it kinda works how i wanted but it only saves
text info after i close mirc i would want it 2 save as text is said any help with that and could u plz look at this i edited it alittle bit and not sure about the global at bottom of code and status so any help would be greatfull thank you
 on *:start: { window @logger | aline @logger Session Start $fulldate | write $+($logdir,$asctime(m.d.yyyy.),server.log) Session ID $ctime }
on *:join:#: aline @logger $timestamp $nick $address($nick,3) joins $chan $network 
on *:part:#: aline @logger $timestamp $nick $address($nick,3) parted $chan $network 
on *:quit:{
  if ($nick == $me) {
    aline @logger $timestamp $me quit $chan $network
    savebuf -a @logger $+($logdir,$asctime(m.d.yyyy.),server.log)
  else { aline @logger $timestamp $nick $address($nick,3) quit $chan $network 
on *:text:#: aline @logger $timestamp $chan $nick $1- 
on *:input:#: aline @logger $timestamp $chan $nick $1-
on *:close:@: if ($target == @logger) { savebuf -a @logger $+($logdir,$asctime(m.d.yyyy.),server.log) }
on *:notice:*:?: aline @logger $timestamp $nick sent notice -> $1- 
on *:snotice:*: aline @logger $timestamp SNotice $nick $1- 
on *:mode:#: aline @logger $timestamp $chan $nick changed MODE $1- 
on *:kick:#: aline @logger $timestamp $chan $nick kicked $knick $1- 
on *:ban:#: aline @logger $timestamp $chan $nick banned $banmask $1-
on *:unban:#: aline @logger $timestamp $chan $nick unbanned $banmask $1- 
on *:topic:#: aline @logger $timestamp $chan $nick changes topic to: $1- 
on *:action:*:*: aline @logger $timestamp *** $nick $1- 
ctcp *:*: aline @logger $timestamp CTCP from $nick $+ : $1- 
on *:notify: aline @logger $timestamp $nick is on $network $1- 
on *:global:*: aline @logger $timestamp $nick is on $network $1- 
on *:input:Status Window: aline @logger $timestamp -> * $+ $2 $+ * * $nick $1- 
on *:output:Status Window: aline @logger $timestamp -> * $+ $2 $+ * * $nick $1-

so any help so it logs text as it said would be great TY

on *:text:#: aline @logger $timestamp $chan $nick $1- |
savebuf -a @logger $+($logdir,$asctime(m.d.yyyy.),server.log) }
i tried that but i get weird loop back

Joined: Oct 2004
Posts: 8,330
Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
Joined: Oct 2004
Posts: 8,330
not sure what u mean by
{{So, I'd first check to see if it does... Type:}}

does it type well i no it opens log window just like
a chan window and it shows all activity in that window
so u can see whats being said in every room your in
it just dont save activity in window

It means to type the line following that (the //echo line). Type it in any window. See what it echoes back to you. If it doesn't echo "1", then that's your error.

Invision Support
#Invision on irc.irchighway.net
Joined: Dec 2002
Posts: 1,245
Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
Joined: Dec 2002
Posts: 1,245
try these changes, note I didnt do all of the lines as you can do that.
This will show one way you can make it log and show in the @window
on *:start: { window @logger | aline @logger Session Start $fulldate | write $+($logdir,$asctime(m.d.yyyy.),server.log) Session ID $ctime }
on *:join:#: aline @logger $timestamp $nick $address($nick,3) joins $chan $network 
on *:part:#: aline @logger $timestamp $nick $address($nick,3) parted $chan $network 

on *:quit:{ aline @logger $timestamp $nick $address($nick,3) quit $chan $network }

on *:kick:#:{ write $+($logdir,$asctime(m.d.yyyy.),server.log) $timestamp $nick Kicked $knick from $chan ( $network ) $1-  | aline @logger $timestamp $nick Kicked $knick from $chan ( $network ) $1-
on *:text:#:{ write $+($logdir,$asctime(m.d.yyyy.),server.log) $timestamp $chan $nick $1- | aline @logger $timestamp $chan $nick $1- }
on *:input:#:{ write $+($logdir,$asctime(m.d.yyyy.),server.log) $timestamp $chan $nick $1- | aline @logger $timestamp $chan $nick $1- }

Remove this line so it doesn't double the data in the log:
on *:close:@: if ($target == @logger) { savebuf -a @logger $+($logdir,$asctime(m.d.yyyy.),server.log) }

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