First, i would try connecting to a server we know is working, just to be sure the problem isnt network related (like the current probs on DALnet) or that you arent trying to connect to a server that doesnt exist. Before you try, go to file/options/connect/options and click on the retry button. Increase the line that says "If not connected in ___secs" and increase it to 60 secs or a lil more if thats what it has now.
(while you're in options, wouldnt hurt to check connect and be sure you have info filled in, and under local info to see if you have Local Host and Server checked and under Firewall be sure you have None selected)

In your status window type one of these:
/server irc.Prison.NET

If the same thing happens, it may be that the dsl/firewall/router settings are blocking the server ports, generally 6660-6669, 7000-7001 and port 113 for identd. You could ask your provider, as well as asking if you have password access to web or telnet in to change the settings.

ParaBrat @#mIRCAide DALnet