You should be very careful when using this option - people who are infected can auto-send virus infected files to you and you will happily accept them - therefore, infecting you. If you are insistent on using this feature then you may consider:

1) Keeping 2+ trojan/virus scanners on your computer. If they have "auto protect" features make sure you enable them. See the Trojan resources thread.

2) Make use of the 'Trusted' function. Click on the [Trusted] button in ALT+O > DCC and then check the two boxes "Limit auto-get to trusted users" and "Show get dialog for non-trusted users". Then add the address or nickname of the user you plan to accept a download from in the form of nickname!user@hostname.
You can use /whois nickname to get this information.

If the reason you are queuing in a channel that is obviously mass file trading, is that you are downloading music (mp3s), movies or software etc, remember that IRC means Internet Relay Chat - not to mention the fact that it's illegal. mIRC is not a file sharing program, keep that in mind.

Stay safe!

