Ok well the network in question (Axenet) is already in the servers.ini, but I have a question, in your little website thingy it says "At the moment
I can not add more then the random server (round robbin) of new networks" is there a reason for this? It sounds like you don't want to add a ton more servers, but then my question becomes, why do you have so many servers that are dead/dying? For example, you have irc.dal.net and irc.eu.dal.net, a simple /dns shows that both of these forward to the EXACT same IPs, so why do they need two entries for the same pool? Then we look at the actual DALnet servers, coins.dal.net, sodre.on.ca.dal.net, ced.se.eu.dal.net, omen.se.eu.dal.net, astro.ga.us.dal.net, twisted.ma.us.dal.net, and liberty.nj.us.dal.net they all resolve to the same IPs that irc.dal.net does. So why exactly does DALnet need to have the same pool listed 9 times when there are other servers out there that aren't listed at all or would like to have 1-2 additional servers listed?

Our big concern wasn't that you didn't add the individual servers, we asked to have our additional pools (irc.us.axenet.org, irc.eu.axenet.org, and irc.ca.axenet.org) listed but they too were rejected.

Would you please be able to give me a reason why this can't be added? (and yes to the best of my knowledge everything was submitted in the correct format).
