;author Ecronika
;script Example to Autocomplete an editable drop down combo
;version 1.0
;public acomp

alias acomp {
  ;syntax /acomp
  ;description Opens the Auto Complete Dialog to test my code.
  ;returns null

  dialog $iif($dialog(acomp),-v,-m acomp) acomp
alias -l acomp.init {
  if ($dialog(acomp)) {
    didtok acomp 1 44 hehe,haha,test entry,something,stupid
    did -f acomp 2
alias -l acomp.edit {
  if ($dialog(acomp)) {
    if ($didwm(acomp,1,$+($did(acomp,2),*))) {
      var %l $calc($len($did(acomp,2).text) +1)
      did -o acomp 2 1 $did(acomp,1,$ifmatch)
      did -c acomp 2 1 $calc($len($did(acomp,2).text) +1) %l
dialog -l acomp {
  title "Auto Complete"
  size -1 -1 90 42
  option dbu
  combo 1, 6 6 78 56, size edit drop
  edit "", 2, 6 6 69 10
  button "&Close", 3, 48 24 37 12, ok
on *:dialog:acomp:init:0: { .timer -m 1 0 acomp.init }
on *:dialog:acomp:edit:2: { .timer -m 1 0 acomp.edit }

It is just a workaround and not perfect but it works (for me)

My mIRC Addons