dialog mp {
title "Media Player - [MillenniumSE]"
size -1 -1 280 132
option dbu
tab "",30,1 122 278 116,hide
tab "",31
tab "",32
tab "",33
tab "",34
tab "",35
tab "",36
tab "",37
tab "",38
alias media.tabnames {
set -u %t.n 1 | set -un %t.t $readini($prodir $+ media.ini,set,tabnames)
while ($gettok(%t.t,%t.n,44)) {
did -ra mp $calc(29 + %t.n) $gettok(%t.t,%t.n,44)
inc %t.n
Var %t.t has the value Folders setup,Player setup,Volume control,Skin editor,Audio server,Play options,Grabber,Settings 1,Search

When I resize the dialog I clear the text labels from the tabs and when I resize the dialog to it's original state i do /media.tabnames to place them back.

That's when the text labels won't appear, when I replace the did -ra mp $calc(29 + %t.n) $gettok(%t.t,%t.n,44) into did -ra mp $calc(29 + %t.n) blah the tabs are shown because they now fit in the dialog area.

Hopefully I explained this clearly crazy

Screenshot to show you what I mean:


Last edited by Vai_; 02/09/03 05:13 PM.