Yeah, I'll give way to the Crtl-Break thing. I mean, heck, XP breaks so much other stuff. I could go on for days about the things that I despise about XP, heh...

However, breaking the right Alt key I can't find a good reason for. Admittedly, I don't use it nearly as much as I do the left one, but when I do use, and I do so often, it's a royal nusiannce to hear it beep at me and then think, "Oh, that's right... mIRC is BROKE like that." I mean, what other applications use this Alt-Gr key? What software is so prevelant in the UK to warrent a special key for this that we don't see much here in the US? All that aside, there could still be checking for system settings that would determine if a user was in the UK or not, and if not, make the Alt key act like an Alt key.

I'm going to be ill for quite some time with the removal of the Remotes button. I would guess that anyone that uses the editor much to do actual scripting (not popups), uses the remotes section 99 times out of every 100 over the aliases section, and for us to only have one button now and it to take you to aliases is poor fore thought. If one must, at least make it take you to the last view you had opened.

Seems like there might have been one other thing that was still irking me but it must not be too bad as I can't recall it at the moment, heh... The other things, such as the Alt-A change, imho was a stupid thing to do, but something that can be lived with being favorites is something that can be disabled (Kinda disappointed he called it "Favorites", some of us do run mIRC on an OS other than Windows after all :-).
