First of all I would like to apologize, since i should have told you first what was this script for before asking about the code. That way you could help me better to find the correct and more efficient way to doing it. Im still learning about this, and sometimes there are better ways to solve a same trouble.
This script was designed to spot the drones as the join channel. Im sure you all know of the troubles we are having to deal with in most of the networks. These drones, infected computers that join IRC to help to spread the infection, usually have the same caractherisitics:
- gibberish userid ( randomly choosen ) of more than 9 characters and unidentified with the server ( ~ )
- alpha userid, no numbers
- all in lowercase
My idea was to create a script to watch them as they join the channel, and then query them to check if they are really "there", or they are drones.
Now that you know why do i need this script for, perhaps you can help me built a more efficient one. So far Watchdog's modifications have solved the trouble and now script works ( thx btw smile ), but perhaps as you mentioned in your reply , there is a better way to do it.
I will be more than happy to go on learning from you all smile