Are you a manic depressive? Is mIRC's current features that depressing? Every post you make has been nothing but negativity...

I could care less if mIRC decides to go with a neon pink look and consists of colorful what! People don't download mIRC to look at it, they download it because it provides the means for people to connect to a whole new world that doesn't revolve around work or constant nagging, and to get away and unwind with others that are looking for the same thing.

The color of mIRC isn't relevant. That's probably why the default is vanilla, its nothing fancy. Plus there's the option of adding a little color as a background on the toolbars if people want it. I don't think there's anything really life altering being added to mIRC (Unless its a portable beer cooler) I just think there are a few bug fixes and a few added features discussed in the "Feature Suggestions" forum.

Just wait and see.. The_Game stares at the clock and realizes its half-past beer-thirty...