I have an issue with a repeating timer apparently not triggering (and an offline timer apparently becoming online).

I set a timer with .timerMidnight -o 0:01 0 86400 echo -s It's MIDNIGHT!!!!

I can get a list of timers with /timers or get details of a specific timer with /timerMidnight and get:

* Immediately: * Timer midnight 00:01 86400s delay echo -s It's MIDNIGHT!!!! (Libera.Chat)
* A day later: * Timer midnight 86400s delay echo -s It's MIDNIGHT!!!! (Libera.chat)

So here are the issues:

1. I used the `-o` so it should be an offline timer, not associated with a connection, yet it says it is associated with a connection.
2. Once it has triggered for the first time I cannot determine the next trigger time.
3. Sometimes it is not triggering when it should.