First, you say this is my code. It is not my code, as I would have coded it completely differently.
Now you add additional information which would have solved the problem after the first message.
It looks like you are saying that you are typing the countdown trigger into the same mirc that had this script loaded. The ON TEXT event is for incoming text, not for your own text.
You will need to have 2 nicks to test this. If the script is loaded into the mirc for nick1, then nick2 will need to type the countdown trigger.

If you MUST test it with 1 mirc, then you must change the first line of the script where it has
on *:text:*:#: {
and change to
on *:text:*:?: {

which makes it respond only in a query window instead of in a channel. Then you can query yourself like
//query $me
... while you are on a network, and then the incoming message will trigger the ON TEXT handler

But then be sure to change the :?: back to :#: so it sees the channel messages again. If you want this to respond only to countdown in 1 channel, then you should change the :#: into the actual channelname such as :#fernet: