I am using the following Regex:


When evaluating, it will succeed for URL's like http://someimagehost.com/picture.jpg, but it will not work for URL's like https://someimagehost.com/picture.jpg

I need to make it support both http and https. I thought that changing it to this would work:


But it doesn't match either the first URL shown above, or the second one. It breaks the Regular Expression somehow.

Can somebody help me with getting a Regex that will support both URL's (with http and https). Code snippet I'm using is as follows:

on *:text:*http*:#:{ 
  var %i = 1
  while ($gettok($1-,%i,32) != $null) {
    if (http isin $gettok($1-,%i,32)) { var %pvurl $gettok($1-,%i,32) }
    inc %i
  var %regex /\b\Qhttp://\E[^\.\s]+\.[^\s]+\.(?:png|jpe?g|bmp|gif)\b/Si
  if (!$regex(%pvurl,%regex)) {
    ; Unsupported URL - Do Sad things
  else {
    ; Supported URL - Do happy things

Thanks in advance!