There are a few ways. Without using regex, you can just add a * after !nicks. This will have the bot reply to any message that starts with !nicks. I don't like this personally because then the bot command will reply to things that it shouldn't.

Will work:
!nicksasdf blah sdlie
!nicks are stupid
ON *:TEXT:!nicks*:#: {

You could add a space between !nicks and the *. But then you need something after the !nicks. You will not be able to type !nicks by itself.

Will work:
!nicks anything here

Won't work:
ON *:TEXT:!nicks *:#: {

I would use a simple regex. The following will tell the bot to reply to both "!nicks" by itself or "!nicks" followed by a space and then anything else.

Will work:
!nicks who wanna play?

Won't work:
!nickasdf adf waak
ON $*:TEXT:/^!nicks(\s|$)/i:#: {

The $ after ON means that it's using regex. ^ means start of the message. (\s|$) means either a space \s or end of line $. the i after / means that it's case insensitive.