So I got a dialog working. laugh

I decided to try dStudio, and it seems to work just fine. laugh
This is all one remote.ini file.
on *:START: {

on *:LOAD: {

alias music_dialog {
  timer_music 0 900 /announce_music
  dialog -m music_announcement music_announcement

dialog music_announcement {
  title "Music"
  size -1 -1 72 50
  option dbu
  radio "Pandora", 1, 2 2 50 10
  radio "", 2, 2 14 50 10
  radio "Ankhbot Song Request", 3, 2 26 68 10
  radio "No Music", 4, 2 38 50 10

on *:dialog:music_announcement:sclick:1-4:{
  if ($did($dname, $did).text == Pandora) {
    set %System..MusicAnnouncer.Message ♪ Currently listening to Pandora Radio. ♫
  elseif ($did($dname, $did).text == {
    set %System..MusicAnnouncer.Message &#9834; Currently listening to! You can participate at <insert weblink here> ! All songs must be under 10 min. and language-free! No troll songs! Thanks! &#9835;
  elseif ($did($dname, $did).text == Ankhbot Song Request) {
    set %System..MusicAnnouncer.Message &#9834; Currently listening to Song Requests by the audience! &#9835;
  else {
    set %System..MusicAnnouncer.Message false
  echo -a Music Announcer set to " $+ %System..MusicAnnouncer.Message $+ "

alias announce_music {
  if (%System..MusicAnnouncer.Message != False) {
    msg # /me %System..MusicAnnouncer.Message

Every fifteen minutes, it sends a message to chat saying which music I'm playing and if/how they can contribute to it.

The if-chain at the end determines the message, and the timer will summon the alias to send the message.