Well, this is getting increasingly complicated and the odds are that I will implement an approximation to how different ircds parse these lines, which might work in some cases but not all.

One solution to all of this is to just avoid performing comparisons on these addresses. The original issue is that mIRC is not seeing all of the addresses in the list. This is because mIRC is maintaining/synchronizing its own internal lists when it sees mode numerics, to avoid excessive /mode requests to the server when channel central is used. This is what requires address comparisons.

I will remove this feature so that mIRC no longer needs to maintain internal ban/except/invex/quiet lists and instead requests them every time you use channel central. That seems to be the only practical solution at this time.

This will not solve everything - the auto-unban feature needs to compare addresses in various situations. However, I can make it case-sensitive and the odds are low that someone will use different case text when adding/removing bans. If they do, the worst that can happen is that mIRC will fail to remove a ban at some point.