%clones = $ialchan($address($nick($1,%count1),2),$1,%count2).nick

this line assigns the result to %clones variable :

$nick($1,%count1) ; extract %count1 number nick_name from $1 channel from IAL ( internal address list)
$address(nick,2) ; extract *!*@domain from given nick_name from IAL
$ialchan(*!*domain,#channel,%count2) ; found *!*@domain string for %count2 element in IAL

The $ialchan(*!*domain,#channel,%count2) function found the string *!*domain in the %count2 element of IAL.

teorically this is a classic example of while or for programming usage.
I don't understand what mean .nick at the end of line.


Last edited by Anti; 24/03/17 08:48 AM.