27.Extended /ialmark to allow setting arbitrary marks using the format:

   /ialmark -nr <nick> [name] [text]

   -n = the [name] of the mark. If -n is not used, the default name
   'mark' is used.

   -r = remove the mark

   Marks can be accessed using $ialmark(nick,N/mark) and properties
   'mark' and 'value'.

Ok, so, out of the gate, I'm not sure when or where the '.mark' property is meant to be used. It seems to me that $ialmark() without a property will always behave as if the '.mark' property is used with it.

Can these new marks be used with regular $ial() and with $ialchan() ?

Only unusual behavior I see so far is $ialmark(Raccoon) without N specified will behave as if N = 1. (and as if the .mark property is used, of course.)

Could you elaborate a little more about this design, and I'll try to break all of those aspects you describe.

Here's some test examples:

/ialmark -n Raccoon server
/ialmark -n Raccoon joined.#mIRC 1488047314
/ialmark -n Raccoon spoke.#mIRC 1488047485

Behaviors I observe:

$ialmark(Raccoon,0) == 3 (good)
$ialmark(Raccoon,1) == server (good. 'N' implies .mark)
$ialmark(Raccoon,1).value == (good)
$ialmark(Raccoon,1).mark == server (ok. good.)
$ialmark(Raccoon,server) == server (redundant? expected implied .value, same as $hget()?)
$ialmark(Raccoon,server).value == (ok. but shouldn't require .value)
$ialmark(Raccoon,server).mark == server (ok. good.)
$ialmark(Raccoon) == server (odd.)
$ialmark(awyhtlwjfkuihsfelk) == $null (good.)

Behavior I would expect:

$ialmark(Raccoon,server) ==

$ialmark(Raccoon) == should be Raccoon(?) or the value of default unnamed mark (no -n switch used)?
* Being a hash list, the mark N=1 will change as more mark names are added and shuffle around the internal hashlist.


/ialmark -nrw Raccoon *
/ialmark -nrw Raccoon joined.*


I can't find a specific use case for the $ialmark().mark property since it is always implied. The $ialmark().value property could be useful if a mark name is itself a numeric value.
* Update: Wims points out that .mark can be used to verify an item is really an item. if ($ialmark(Raccoon,server).mark) { exists }

Last edited by Raccoon; 25/02/17 09:14 PM.

Well. At least I won lunch.
Good philosophy, see good in bad, I like!