Hmm, I don't understand what's happening, though why not use the time generated via Twitch's API?

This is the code for my !uptime that I use.

 on *:text:!uptime*:#: {
  if (%flood_Uptime) && ($nick != $mid(#,2)) { halt }
  set -u30 %flood_Uptime On
  if ($0 == 2) {
    var %status = $startTime($2)
    var %displayName = $displayName($2)
    var %game = $followGame($2)
    if (%status == $null) {
      msg # /me - %displayName is currently offline.
    else {
      msg # /me - %displayName $+ 's stream has been online with " $+ %game $+ " for $duration($calc($ctime - (%status - $timezone))) $+ !
  if ($0 == 1) {
    var %status = $startTime($mid(#,2))
    var %displayName = $displayName($mid(#,2))
    if (%status == $null) {
      msg # /me - %displayName is offline.
    else {
      msg # /me - We've been live for $duration($calc($ctime - (%status - $timezone))) $+ !

alias startTime {
  var %j = streamUptime
  JSONOpen -ud %j $+ $1 $+ ?= $+ $ticks
  var %uptime = $ctime($replace($json(%j,stream,created_at),T,$chr(32),Z,))
  return %uptime

This uses SReject's JSON Parser. Found here.

Returns are usually like this

<@fonic_artes> !uptime
> If Offline
<@bot> /me - Fonic_Artes is offline.
> If Online
<@bot> /me - We've been live for 8hrs 27mins 15secs!

<@fonic_artes> !uptime artesbot
> If Offline
<@bot> /me - Artesbot is currently offline.
> If Online
<@bot> /me - Artesbot's stream has been online with "Final Fantasy IV" for 1day 4hrs 13mins 59secs!