I think this should work.

on *:TEXT:!cry:#: {
 if (%flood.cries) || ($nick != $mid(#,2) { halt } 
 if (!%cries) { 
  set %cries 1
  msg # $mid(#,2) has started crying for the first time! 
 set -u5 %flood.cries On
 inc %cries
 msg # $mid(#,2) cried %cries times!

This will check if the variable %cries exists, and if it doesn't, then it'll create it and give the "silly" message, with any uses after being the standard "cried X times".

This should also set a global 5 second cooldown as to keep the spam down to more "reasonable" amounts.

For more details about how it works, try /help /inc and /help /var.
(I recommend /help /var since it shows details on how incrementing worked. It's better to global set a variable otherwise if you're going to keep track. /help /set for details there.)

Last edited by Fonic_Artes; 09/07/16 07:32 AM. Reason: Added /help suggestions