I do think the usage is relevant. The work required to maintain the identifier (and the documentation, which would basically be re-documenting the entire set of mIRC's options, not a small undertaking) would likely be weighed against how common its usage is. I'd bet most users would never need to programmatically read $options() as a whole, let alone the init warning setting. And it's all currently scriptable on an individual basis fairly easily.

As for the Unleashed article being outdated; it wouldn't be difficult to update it. In fact, $options() could be scripted entirely (and shared), and then nobody would need the site in the first place.

edit: for example, here's a partial implementation of $options():

alias -l options.load {
  if ($hget(mirc.options)) return

  hmake mirc.options 100
  if ($exists($scriptdirmirc.options.ini)) {
    hload mirc.options $scriptdirmirc.options.ini

  ; TODO: n3, n4, n5, n6, n7
  ; see: https://web.archive.org/web/20071116220323/http://www.mishscript.de/help/mircini/index.htm
  ; run "/options -c" whenever this list is updated
  ; Add the ":*" suffix to any code whose value is numeric (non-boolean).
  options.build n0 conn-start,show-user-addr,chan-beep,show-ident-req,highlight,notify,dde-delay:*,kick-rejoin,esc-cancel-away,list-type-active,fill-switchbar,_,list-type-op,list-type-protect,dcc-send-req-action:*,dcc-get-req-minimize,dcc-beep,dcc-chat-req-action:*,connect-perform,dcc-chat-req-minimize,dcc-packet-size:*,single-msg-win,prefix-own-msg,_,dcc-get-beep,dcc-chat-beep,ident-only-conn,chan-list-sort,strip-codes,strip-codes-max:*,hide-ping-pong,line-marker,ident-warn,file-type-ignore-warn,confirm-disconn
  options.build n1 event-beep-times:*,event-beep-delay:*,online-timer,online-timer-reset-conn,online-timer-hrs:*,online-timer-mins:*,online-timer-secs:*,multi-line-edit,_,event-disconn-beep:*,skip-motd,conn-localhost,log-chan,log-msg,event-query-beep:*,event-notice-beep:*,dual-monitor,icon-query,whois-query,listen-get-req,buffer-beep,event-invite-beep:*,send-req-msg,auto-arrange,max-get-user,event-flash-beep:*,minimize-tray,default-dirs,default-nicklist,line-spacing:*,titlebar-shift,internal-beep,pc-speaker,nav-clicks,confirm-paste,confirm-paste-max:*
  options.build n2 dcc-complete-close,startup-dialog,dcc-get-minimize,event-dcc-send-beep:*,host-lookup:*,listen-raw,listen-ctcp,default-level:*,auto-cascade,dcc-req-timeout:*,dcc-transfer-timeout:*,listen-events,links-listbox,notifies-window,event-highlight-beep:*,finger-req,short-joins,fserve-timeout:*,fserve-req-max:*,fserve-max:*,auto-tile,next-server,highlight-nicks,whois-active,conn-rejoin,confirm-save,always-on-top,show-mode-prefix,notify-display,switchbar-ctrl-tab,editbox-tab,window-on-top,active-alt-z,reload-logs
  hsave mirc.options $scriptdirmirc.options.ini

alias -l options.build {
  var %i = 1, %max = $numtok($2,44)
  while (%i < %max) {
    var %tok = $gettok($2,%i,44)
    var %name = $gettok(%tok,1,58)
    hadd -m mirc.options %name $1 %i
    if ($numtok(%tok,58) > 1) hadd -m mirc.options __numeric. $+ %name $true
    inc %i

; Usage: $options(NAME)
; Example: //echo -a $options(fill-switchbar) $options(dcc-packet-size)
alias options {
  if (!$isid && $1 == -c) { hfree mirc.options | .remove $scriptdirmirc.options.ini | return }
  var %v = $hget(mirc.options,$1)
  if (%v == $null || $1 == _) { echo -ac info * $!options: invalid option $1 | halt }
  var %l = $gettok(%v,1,32), %n = $gettok(%v,2,32)
  var %result = $gettok($readini($mircini,options,%l),%n,44)
  if ($hget(mirc.options,__numeric. $+ $1)) return %result
  return $iif(%result == 1, $true, $false)

You'll notice that the hard part isn't writing the script, but (a) naming the options, and (b) understanding what the options do. In order for anybody else to actually use this, they would have to know what each of those cryptic code names (almost as cryptic as the n5/27 values they resolve to) mean. I would need the equivalent documentation of "mIRC.ini Unleashed" in order to fully explain what the full set of code names refer to. Similarly, mIRC's help file would need exactly the same. I'm not sure it's worth the effort just to add official support for checking the script editor's initialization warning setting, when the use for that is questionable in itself-- and when one-off user scripts like the $initwarn above work just fine.

It would actually be interesting to know why the original poster is looking for this functionality. It's possible that reading the setting might still not even solve the user's root problem, and there might be a more effective feature that could be useful here.

Last edited by argv0; 06/06/16 08:16 PM.

- argv[0] on EFnet #mIRC
- "Life is a pointer to an integer without a cast"