Try use this alias:

Usage: /readtext <file> <#channel>
Example: /readtext test.txt #test_chan

alias readtext {
  var %f = $mircdir $+ $1
  if ($status !== connected) { echo 4 -a ERROR: You are not connected to a network! | return }
  if (!$1) { echo 4 -a ERROR: Specify a file! | return }
  if (!$2) { echo 4 -a ERROR: Specify a channel! | return }
  if ($me !ison $2) { echo 4 -a ERROR: You are not into the $qt($2) channel! | return }
  if (!$isfile(%f)) { echo 4 -a ERROR: The $qt(%f) file does not exists! | return }
  if (!$lines(%f)) { echo 4 -a ERROR: The $qt(%f) file is empty! | return }
  var %l = $iif($3 && $3 isnum,$3,1)
  var %r = $read(%f,nt,%l)
  if (%r) { .msg $2 %r }
  if (%l) && (%l == $lines(%f)) { return }
  .timer[READ_ $+ $2 $+ ] -m 1 500 readtext $1 $2 $calc(%l +1)

Last edited by westor; 17/05/16 08:18 AM.

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