Hello I have 0 experience with mirc scripts and I am looking to automate a thing that I do in a channel.

I do roulettes in a channel and a bot responds back to me.

So what I would like it to do is

type a start bet like this;
!roulette 1

whats gonna happen next is that the bot in the channel responds if I have won the roulette or not.

If I win go back to roulette 1 but If I lose I will go double and wait 1 minute before I send the next roulette.

So it would look something like this to give an example.

TUSK3N: !roulette 1
Bot: TUSK3N_ won 1 points in roulette and now has 5000
timer 60 seconds
TUSK3N: !roulette 1
Bot: TUSK3N lost 1 points in roulette and now has 4999 points!
timer 60 seconds
TUSK3N: !roulette 2
Bot: TUSK3N lost 2 points in roulette and now has 4997 points!
timer 60 seconds
TUSK3N: !roulette 4
Bot: TUSK3N lost 4 points in roulette and now has 4993 points!
timer 60 seconds
TUSK3N: !roulette 8
Bot: TUSK3N_ won 8 points in roulette and now has 5001
timer 60 seconds
TUSK3N: !roulette 1
Bot: TUSK3N_ won 1 points in roulette and now has 5002
timer 60 seconds

This is how the script should work, If someone would be kind to write a script that does this it would be amazing! smile

Thanks for reading.