Oh ok cool! sorry that I didn't get that. I was reading on my phone at work. Again many thanks!

Alright next example portion. I was using the gettok method though I ran into a stump with ulevel check. Basically want the command to check the user rank to show what commands they have available. The full script goes to ulevel 50. Just showing a portion of it since the rest is rinse and repeat.

on *:text:!sounds:#:{
  if ((%floodsounds) || ($($+(%,floodsounds.,$nick),2))) { return }
  set -u10 %floodsounds On
  set -u30 %floodsounds. $+ $nick On 
  ;Update as more sound commands are added.
  ;Need to work on shortening this one.
  var %sounds !chicken,!elementalcohesion,!nonono,!igottheboons,!bane,!moo,!pewpew,!elephant,!monkey,!toot,!doom,!babyfart,!matingcall
  if ($ulevel < 9 ) {
    msg $chan you are $ulevel and have no sound commands.
  elseif ($ulevel == 10 ) {
    ;msg $chan $nick $+ $chr(58) !chicken
    msg $chan $nick $+ $chr(58) $gettok(%sounds,1,44)
  elseif ($ulevel == 11 ) {
    msg $chan $nick $+ $chr(58) $gettok(%sounds,1-2,44)
  elseif ($ulevel == 12 ) {
    msg $chan $nick $+ $chr(58) $gettok(%sounds,1-3,44)
  elseif ($ulevel == 13 ) {
    msg $chan $nick $+ $chr(58) $gettok(%sounds,1-4,44)