I'm new to mSL and I've been having difficulties finding documentation/resources outside of the wiki, I am trying to check if a variable is returning something or not but it's not working

alias lookupDD { 
  var %topic $+($1,.,$2)
  var %dongcoins $readini(dongcoins.ini,%topic,dongcoins)
  return %dongcoins

on !*:join:#:{
  var %result = $lookupDD($chan, $nick) /* check if user has joined before */
add.pts $+(#,.,$nick)
  if ((%result != "") && (%result != $null) && (%result != null) && !%result) {
    msg $chan $nick has returned and is now earning DD(Dong Dollars).
  else {
    msg # Welcome, $nick This seems to be your first time joining us live, Make sure to hit that follow button and help defeat some Dong creations

It will always say the welcome message even though there are coins on the account, before I had it set to || instead of && and it would always give the return message despite the variable being null, I'm pretty confused at this point.

Last edited by Ginzo; 30/07/15 09:54 PM.