Ok so I checked that com calls arent disabled, and they werent since i was able to use the other script you made for me for the server ip. I tried to manually start the timer as well and it says it succeed but still nothin. This is what I updated the script with:

on *:start: .timerautogame 0 1 autogame

alias autogame {
if ($chkprocess(csgo.exe)) && (%autogame != csgo) {
set %autogame csgo
msg #obeewnn !updatetitle CSGO Comp w/ oBeE
msg #obeewnn !updategame Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
elseif ($chkprocess(Dayz.exe)) && (%autogame != dayz) {
set %autogame dayz
msg #obeewnn !updatetitle #Dayz PVP Elektro
msg #obeewnn !updategame DayZ
else set %autogame none

alias chkprocess {
.comopen numMirc1 WbemScripting.SWbemLocator
if ($com(numMirc1)) .comclose numMirc1 $com(numMirc1,ConnectServer,3,dispatch* numMirc2)
if ($com(numMirc2)) .comclose numMirc2 $com(numMirc2,ExecQuery,3,bstr,SELECT Name FROM Win32_Process WHERE Name = $qt($1-),dispatch* numMirc3)
if ($com(numMirc3)) {
var %total $comval(numMirc3,0)
.comclose numMirc3
return %total