I have been playing around with it and I have got it to work. Still wondering if there is a better way to do it but here is what i got.
on *:text:!vp:#:{
       if (%x = 4) {
      set %e $nick has $readini(gold.ini,$+(#,.,$nick),Points) Victory Points! |
      inc %x
      set %vplook 0
      vpcheck $chan
       if (%x = 3) {
      set %d $nick has $readini(gold.ini,$+(#,.,$nick),Points) Victory Points! |
      inc %x
       if (%x = 2) {
      set %c $nick has $readini(gold.ini,$+(#,.,$nick),Points) Victory Points! |
      inc %x
       if (%x = 1) {
      set %b $nick has $readini(gold.ini,$+(#,.,$nick),Points) Victory Points! |
      inc %x
       if (%x = 0) {
      set %a $nick has $readini(gold.ini,$+(#,.,$nick),Points) Victory Points! |
      inc %x
     write vplookup.txt %a $+ %b $+ %c $+ %d $+ %e
    if (%vplook = 1) { return }
    timer1 1 10 vpcheck $chan
     set %vplook 1

alias -l vpcheck {
msg $1 $read(vplookup.txt)
set %vplook 0
set %a
set %b
set %c
set %d
set %e
set %x 0
write -c vplookup.txt