I really want to learn this so bad. I am trying to make it display recent followers of the stream but I can't get it to work. It just comes back with a value of 0. Also I am trying to get the stream status and game.(don't know where to get that) I eventually want this to be on a timer when I get it to work. I have been playing around with the https://api.twitch.tv/kraken/channels/follows link to try to better understand it, but I think I need someone to explain to me how to get these things. On to what I am trying to do....

Example !recent msg $chan recent followers are: potatoman, cloud234, 43life, lugsmasher12.

Here is the current code

on *:text:!recent:#: {
JSONOpen -ud follows https://api.twitch.tv/kraken/users?limit=3
  msg $chan Recent followers: $json(follows, followers)

Last edited by powerade661; 29/05/15 11:31 PM.