Originally Posted By: Blood_Wolf89
The JSON Parse I just copy and paste after the !bf4stats?

I just looked in mIRC Aliases and I see this JSON error..

"JSONError return Required parameters missing
url_pattern return m@(?:^| )((?:(?:https?|ircs?)://)?(?:(?:[-\w]+\.)+)[-\w]+(?:\d+)?(?:/(?:[-a-zA-Z;/\d#:?=&,]*))?)@ig"

It is kind of working. The output I get is as follows

's Battlefield 4(PC) Stats | Rank: | Kills: | K/D: 0 | W/L: 0 | Score: | Time Played: | Accuracy: 0%

I still was unable to get the stats to show up. The most that I get is the template shown above