dialog testing {
  size -1 -1 200 200
  tab "Tab1", 1, 2 2 198 198
  tab "Tab2", 2
  text "This is a text", 3, 120 5 70 15
on *:dialog:testing:sclick:*:{
  echo -s sclick triggered on dialog testing: $did 
  if ($did isin 12) .timer -ho 1 0 did -ra testing 3 This is a test
Click on tab 2, works, click on tab 1, works, now click on tab 1 again, it doesn't trigger. Like I said I'm unsure if it's a bug, it might be a good idea for mIRC to abstract this click event and not to trigger if the tab is already active, but as you can see that would help me, I use this tiny space in the dialog to display a text control, but since it overlap the tab control, I have to use a timer to redraw the text control when the tab control is redrawn (which happens when you click on the tab, even though mIRC doesn't trigger the event).

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