Hi guys, I am in need of a script to run my bot on my channel as nightbot just does not cut it any more. I have tried my best at giving it a go myself but I simply can't get anywhere so I thought I would ask here.

List of what it needs:

1. Quote system - I would like the ability for people to type !quote in chat to bring up a random quote from a selection of recorded quotes using this command "!quote". I would also like to give mods the ability to addquotes via a command. Example: "!addquote one, two, three or !record"

2.The ability to add commands quickly without confusing code to shift through (maybe a comment section or something will make it easy to understand how to add a command)

3. Spam filter to stop people from spamming chat

4. A link blocker so no one can post links unless permitted by an admin. Example: "<link blocked> - please as for a permit from a moderator." the command should be !permit to allow 1 link from the selected username. Example:"!permit RamuneGaming" - "RamuneGaming has been granted 1 link use"

5. The rest are extras but I will ad them myself if you are short for time if it's clear on how to add commands (see point 2);
- !social - brings up social links (3 links)
- !tweet - Help a streamer out and retweet the stream "link to ctt"
- !datpun FailFish FailFish RamuneGaming - 2014 FailFish FailFish
- !follow - Help a streamer out and hit the follow button under the stream to help improve the stream

Thank your for your time, I understand this is time consuming but i would really appreciate the help.