Is there any way to use this script with the function keys to ban? ... Because you can not make the leaving nicks in the channel except the list of nicks. (excuse my English, I'm Spanish)

Warning: With this script when you double click a Nickname or a Host on a Channel IT DOES NOT QUERY this nick. This script with double click on Nickname or Host is auto Ban-Kicking the nick/host.

If the Double Clicked Nickname/Host is already banned, it removes its ban.

on ^*:hotlink:*:#:{
var %host $regex(host,$1,/@[\w\Q^[]{}-_*?\E]+(?:\56[\w\Q^[]{}-_*?\E]+)+/)
var %nick $regex(nick,$1,/([a-z0-9\Q`^-_[]{}|\\E]+)/iS)
if (($me isop $chan) || ($me ishop $chan) && (($regml(nick,1) ison $chan) || (%host) )) return
else { halt }
on $*:hotlink:*:#:{
noop $regex(nick,$1,/([a-z0-9\Q`^-_[]{}|\\E]+)/iS)
var %host $regex(host,$1,/@[\w\Q^[]{}-_*?\E]+(?:\56[\w\Q^[]{}-_*?\E]+)+/iS)
var %nick $regml(nick,1)
if (%nick ison #) {
if (%nick $+ !*@* isban #) {
mode # -b $v1
else {
mode # +b $v1
kick # %nick Fast Ban
if (%host) && ($remove($1,$chr(40),$chr(41))) {
if (*!* $+ $remove($1,$chr(40),$chr(41),*!*) isban $chan) {
mode # -b *!* $+ $remove($1,$chr(40),$chr(41),*!*)
else {
mode # +b *!* $+ $remove($1,$chr(40),$chr(41),*!*)
kick # $faddr(#,*!* $+ $remove($1,$chr(40),$chr(41),*!*)) Fast Ban
alias faddr {
var %i = 1
while (%i <= $nick($1,0)) {
if ($2 == $address($nick($1,%i),1)) { return $nick($1,%i) }
inc %i