Right, I didn't bother reading the code, at the end of the code, he can use /savebuf to save the content of the window to a file, then he can /bread that file into a binvar and use /breplace to replace all occurence of $chr(9) by a $chr(44) smile

alias display_Points {
  if ($isid) aline @Points $gettok($1,1,61) $+ $chr(9) $+ $gettok($1,2,61)
  else {
    window -hMd -t80,50 @Points
    noop $read(coins.ini,tnw,$+([,$1,]))
    var %n $readn + 1,%n2 %n + $ini(coins.ini,$1,0)
    filter -fkrtue $+(%n,-,%n2) 2 61 coins.ini display_Points *
    window -a @Points
    savebuf @Points Points.csv
    bread Points.csv 1 $lof(Points.csv) &a
    .remove Points.csv
    breplace &a 9 44
    bwrite Points.csv -1 -1 &a

Last edited by Wims; 22/08/14 06:21 PM.

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