I'll put the example I'm doing, I made the extraction of data loki12583 me as I said is this:

on *:sockread:test:{
  var %headerfile = $sockname $+ .header.txt
  var %datafile = $sockname $+ .data.txt
  if (!$sock($sockname).mark) {
    var %header | sockread %header
    while (%header != $null) {
      write %headerfile %header
      sockread %header
    if ($sockbr) {
      sockmark $sockname $true
  if ($sock($sockname).mark) {
    sockread &read
    while ($sockbr) {
      bwrite %datafile -1 -1 &read
      sockread &read

up there gives me a file STORE2336190.data.txt and good, are all captured data via web, but with very long lines, but when I try to read them in any way can not, try this:

alias searchdata {
  set %zxcline 1
  while ($read(STORE2336190.data.txt,%zxcline) != $null) {
    if (dragon iswm $read(STORE2336190.data.txt,%zxcline)) { echo -s 000DATA  $read(STORE2336190.data.txt,%zxcline) }
    echo -s ALL $read(STORE2336190.data.txt,%zxcline)
    inc %zxcline
  echo -s no data

just read the first line, which is <! doctype html>
but then tells me that line too long, would there be another way to read those long lines? what are my options?

Last edited by Perl; 27/07/14 11:07 AM.