i just set up the application under my bot using the client ID it auto-filled (i suspect this is the bot's ID). I installed the SSL library but what do i do with the json4407?

EDIT: ran the file with mirc and i suspect it's loaded. So would copying this from the snipped allow me to !follow? (adding a on:text command for !follow)
alias twitch.follow {
  var %user = $1, %user.chan = #$1, %target = $2, %chan = $3
  var %sockname = twitch.follow. $+ $ticks
  hfree -w %sockname | hmake %sockname
  hadd %sockname oath.token $twitch(%user.chan).token
  hadd %sockname request /kraken/users/ $+ %user $+ /follows/channels/ $+ %target
  hadd %sockname method PUT
  hadd %sockname data
  hadd %sockname chan %chan
  hadd %sockname target %target
  hadd %sockname signal twitch.follow
  sockopen -e %sockname api.twitch.tv 443

i made a chat bot for mark_paintball! http://twitch.tv/mark_paintball