I most likely would get that error if I could read the socket, I tried adding another example presented.
on *:sockread:DotaBuff: {
  window -deC @ $+ $sockname -1 -1 700 700
  var %read
  sockread -f %read
  aline -p @ $+ $sockname : $+ %read
  if ($sockerr) echo -ag $sockerr read
  echo -ag DotaBuff Sockread
  if (*Win Rate* iswm %read) { 
    echo -ag found it!
    tokenize 32 %read
    echo -ag Win Rate: $noHTML($1-)

Which opened a window with a Bad request

:HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
DotaBuff Sockread
:Server: nginx/1.4.7
DotaBuff Sockread
:Date: Fri, 11 Apr 2014 13:52:10 GMT
DotaBuff Sockread
:Content-Type: text/html
DotaBuff Sockread
:Content-Length: 172
DotaBuff Sockread
:Connection: close
DotaBuff Sockread
DotaBuff Sockread
DotaBuff Sockread
:<head><title>400 Bad Request</title></head>
DotaBuff Sockread
:<body bgcolor="white">
DotaBuff Sockread
:<center><h1>400 Bad Request</h1></center>
DotaBuff Sockread
DotaBuff Sockread
DotaBuff Sockread
DotaBuff Sockread
DotaBuff Sockclose
Apologies for the Sockreads everywhere, it's just to make me understand the process a bit better.

I knew about the api from before, which is how DotaBuff pulls their info. I just thought it'd be simpler for me to read it from the DotaBuff website since they've compressed all the useful info I desire already. I might be mistaken however.

Nillens @ irc.twitch.tv
Nillen @ irc.rizon.net