Well, I'm saying that because it started to happen recently (so it could be a change in 7.32 from my point of view).
It's happening in a way that sounds very buggy: once, I wasn't in front of the computer and when I got back to it, mIRC warned me for all my files, remotes, popups and aliases (like Loki stated), of course none of them changed...
I do have a script that monitor when a file change but it doesn't only check that $file().mtime changed, it also checks if the hash (md5) changed, that way if the file is edited but with the exact same content, it won't trigger as a file change, which I think is something mIRC should do too (looks like you're not checking the hash), and that might even be our problem here, perhaps for some weird reasons our antivirus program change that modification time but without changing the file when doing it's job, or something like that... I'll try to check for only $file().mtime with this:
alias monitor {
  var %1 $1-
  if ($1 == list) {
    var %a 1
    echo -a * /monitor's list: 
    while ($timer(%a)) {
      if (monitor* iswm $v1) {
        echo -a $longfn($mid($v2,8))
      inc %a
  elseif ($1 == off) {
    if ($hget(monitor,$shortfn($2-))) {
      if ($show) echo -a * /monitor: $2- has been removed from the watched list
      hdel monitor $shortfn($2-)
    .timermonitor $+ $shortfn($2-) off 
  elseif ($exists(%1)) {
    if ($isid) {
      tokenize 32 $hget(monitor,$shortfn(%1))
      ;to add the check on $md5 too, use "if ($file(%1).mtime > $2) && ($md5(%1,2) != $1) {"
      if ($file(%1).mtime > $2) {
        if (!$window(@file_changes)) window -h @file_changes
        aline @file_changes $timestamp %1 has changed (old md5: $1 - new md5: $md5(%1,2) $+ )
        echo -at %1 has changed (old md5: $1 - new md5: $md5(%1,2) $+ )
    elseif ($show) echo -a * /monitor: $1- has been added from the watched list
    hadd -m monitor $shortfn(%1) $md5(%1,2) $file(%1).mtime
    .timermonitor $+ $shortfn(%1) -m 0 100 noop $!monitor( %1 )
  else .timer -h 1 0 monitor off %1
/monitor <filename> - Adds a filename to the watched list, do not quote the filename.
/monitor list - Lists all the watched filename
/monitor off <filename> - Removes the filename from the watched list

Last edited by Wims; 22/02/14 09:36 AM.

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