Originally Posted By: Skullmonkey
Since I am new to the whole IRC scripting, I don't know much. Thanks for the starting point. I should be able to get some things done.

Just for reference, what would the sequence be to display the latest follower?
Connect to API > Get a list of followers (limit to last one?) > Make it a var > Repeat every 10 secs or so > Check followers again and compare to the var > display text if changed

Would that generally be the way to go?

You wouldn't want to make the entire json response from twitch a variable since at some point you're going to have to parse it anyways (and it will be a mighty bulky variable). Furthermore, I wouldn't spam their (or any) api every 10 seconds either, I'd make use of the 'etag' and 'last-modified' headers or poll it at most once every 5 to 10 minutes.

Last edited by razezar; 05/11/13 07:46 AM.