Update on this Post: 1st of All I did not want to delete this post in case someone else was having the same issues. However this problem is now Solved Thanks to a very good friend of mine who also Streams.

Solution: As of September 2013: Twitch.tv is converting all IRC chat into an API Authorization Code. In order for you to Log into an IRC for Twitch you will need an OAuth Code. This will take the place of your Log in Password. In order for you to correct the problems of you trying to log in just follow the instructions below.

Just goto http://twitchapps.com/tmi/ and generate yourself an Authorization Code. This will be entered into the IRC as your permanent password from hence forth. Just follow the directions and you should be able to log right in to IRC and Twitch.tv. Also for Auto-Connect. Instead of your password, use the OAuth: code. Each Username is designated with their own unique Oauth: Code. Please remember that.