Besides the differing stats I also enforced proper comma placement (or optionally no commas) in the value, and store the value with commas. The regex allows for differing -se/-ce endings for American/British spelling.

alias comma {
  var %a, %b = $regsub($ticks,$1,/\G([+-]?\d+?)(?=(?:\d{3})++(?=\.\d++$|$))/g,\1 $+ $chr(44),%a)
  return %a

on *:text:!spy*:#:{
  if ($1 == !spyadd) {
    var %nick = $2, %stats = $3-, %i = 1
    var %regex = /((?:spy )?(?:of|de)fen(?:c|s)e):?\s+(\d{1,3}(?:,\d\d\d)*(?:\s|$)|\d+)/gi
    if ($regex(%stats,%regex)) && ($regml(0) == 8) {
      while ($regml(%i)) {
        var %stat = $replace($v1,ce,se,$chr(32),.), %value = $comma($regml($calc(%i + 1)))
        writeini $scriptdirspy.ini %nick %stat %value
        inc %i 2
      writeini $scriptdirspy.ini %nick edited $date
      msg $chan %nick $+ 's 3stats added to the database!
    else {
      msg $chan 4Sorry something is missing, the proper format is "!spyadd <nick> speed: $chr(35) strength: $chr(35) defense: $chr(35) dexterity: $chr(35) level: $chr(35) total: $chr(35)  $+ " the order of the four stats is not important.
  elseif ($1 == !spy) {
    var %nick = $2
    if ($ini($scriptdirspy.ini,%nick)) {
      msg $chan 6 $+ %nick $+ 's stats are:
      msg $chan 6Offense: $readini($scriptdirspy.ini,n,%nick,offense) 
      msg $chan 6Defense: $readini($scriptdirspy.ini,n,%nick,defense)
      msg $chan 6Spy Offense: $readini($scriptdirspy.ini,n,%nick,spy.offense)
      msg $chan 6Spy Defense: $readini($scriptdirspy.ini,n,%nick,spy.defense)
    elseif (%nick) msg $chan 4sorry %nick is not in the database!
    else msg $chan 4You need a nick for me to look up anything silly.

Last edited by Loki12583; 04/07/12 09:34 PM.